Can Research Rescue Red Cross?
Can Research Rescue Red Cross?
A guide that describes what a sample report may contain will be uploaded. Note that the content of your reports may be slightly different depending on the questions posed in your case. Please review the questions at the end of the case and make sure you answer all of those questions. Do not enumerate your answers but rather make sure you address them in the body of your report.
This guideline provides the information you need when you are preparing your papers. After reviewing this concise document, please contact me if you have any doubts or specific questions.
When you are preparing your reports make sure that it is
• Concise: Your arguments are to the point and not repetitive. If you can remove a sentence and you are still able to get your point across, that means that sentence is unnecessary. However, please make sure that you are not leaving any important details out.
• Clear: you are not using lingo that only individuals in your field understand. Know your audience and use appropriate vocabulary.
• Liberal in its use of graphics: make sure your point is supported with graphs, charts, tables, etc. whenever appropriate.
• In addition to the guidelines I am providing below, you may refer the following rubrics when you are preparing your papers.
o Quality of problem description
o Quality of analysis (thoroughness, appropriateness)
o Intellectual impact (was the analysis creative, novel, clever, or otherwise compelling?)
o Clarity and quality of model summary and description
o Quality of recommendations and conclusions (were they realistic and sensible?)
o Use of meaningful graphs, tables and presentation of data
o Ability to communicate main points of the analysis and recommendations
o Ability to demonstrate comprehension and application of relevant course material
1. On the report how long do expect the report to be or is there a minimum you are expecting?
This is a very typical question and unfortunately arises from the nearsighted approach most of you were exposed to in other courses you have taken. The length of a paper is not a major issue in my course. Clearly you cannot have only one paragraph for every section I mention in the guidelines. On the other hand, it makes no sense to require someone to write 20 pages and fill the paper with unnecessary facts, opinions, arguments, etc. What counts is the quality and not the quantity. So long as you are able to address all of the issues raised in the case and you are confident that you have delivered on the quality by following the guidelines I am providing, you should be okay. If in doubt, you can always ask me. Of course, I will provide you more feedback once I receive your first drafts.
Structure of your paper
I am providing here a suggested outline which may need to be varied based on the project you are working on.
0. Title Page
This section presents the title of your report and the names of the authors.
1. Introduction
This section briefly describes the point of the report, including what is to be done
and why.
2. Problem Statement
This section presents the specific problem under study, the background behind the problem, and describes the process of understanding and correcting it. For instance, this section should outline how the industry, competitors and other organizations have developed strategies addressing similar situations (best practices and literature review). For your literature review you may use APA or any other guideline when citing references. Please be consistent and stick to one guideline.
3. Analysis
This section describes in detail how the problem will be handled (i.e., methodology), including alternative approaches to the problem, an evaluation of these approaches, and the reasons why they were not selected. In addition, this section should address how, when, where, and why specific data were collected.
4. Results
This section summarizes the outcome of the approach(es) selected to handle the problem in the organization.
5. Limitations
This section identifies the uncontrollable issues/events/activities that are present in the organization which cannot be taken care of but may have an indirect impact on the situation.
6. Recommendations
This section evaluates and interprets the recommended approach(es), including what the recommendation is expected to do for the organization and a timeline for the tasks that will be carried out.
7. Appendices
This section includes all the materials used to create the business report including but not limited to the following: charts, diagrams, interview transcripts, and other types of documentation that is related to creating the business report.