Business Ethics & Social Responsibility

Is it ethical to accept extra playoff tickets a potential employer happens to have after completing a successful interview with them? (Determine if this is a Gift or a Bribe)

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his leans more towards a bribe than a gift for a few reasons:

  • Timing: The offer is happening directly after a successful interview, creating a connection between the positive outcome and the tickets. It could be seen as an attempt to influence your decision.
  • Value: Playoff tickets can be quite expensive, depending on the sport and teams involved. A high value item blurs the line between a simple gift and an incentive.
  • Expectation: There’s an implied expectation that accepting the tickets might influence you towards accepting the job offer (or influence the employer’s

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Here’s what to consider:

  • Company Culture:If the company culture is known for being casual and offering perks like tickets to employees, it might be less concerning.
  • Your Needs:Do you genuinely need the job and would feel pressured to accept the offer due to the tickets?


  • Politely Decline:Thank them for the offer, but politely decline, explaining you wouldn’t feel comfortable accepting them at this stage.
  • Express Interest Later:If you’re genuinely interested in the tickets and comfortable with the job offer, you could express interest in attending a future game at your own expense.

Remember: It’s always better to err on the side of caution. Avoid situations that could be misconstrued or make you feel obligated.


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