Brandon SOCI332

Topic: Brandon SOCI332

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Attitudes clearly have a strong results when it comes down to the topic of euthanasia. Peoples attitudes vary when it comes down to the circumstance of the death time line, meaning it depends on what kind of illness is being questioned.This article discusses the 32 surveys used in order to get results on attitudes of physicians being able to practice active euthanasia and the patient or family making that choice.The survey used the key search terms of euthanas and attitude in order to get a familiar database for such views. Questions posed were things such as, what is your attitude on active euthanasia and or do you feel a person has a right to desire or wish for death?Results showing that there is about 65% percent acceptance of euthanasia and physicians are at 605 for favoring the right to legalize euthanasia in areas where it is not. The study was a bit complex when ethics and the way people interpret the idea about euthanasia came to be. Words such an voluntary, chronic, and suffering played heavily on attitudes towards quality of life.Analysis also keyed in on categories for the attitudes. The country of survey, number of persons,and response rate influenced the results. Highest values on charts indicate that it is favored to end life when there is no hope and doctor agrees that it is best, however it is opposed as just a way to bring life to an end with defining circumstances. Studies show that doctors and nurses favor active euthanasia as well.The study would need further testing from the general public in order for the topic to be less problematic.


Nilstun, T., Melltorp, G., & Hermeren, G. (2000). Surveys on attitudes to active euthanasia and the difficulty of drawing normative conclusions. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 28(2), 111-116.

This particular article looks more at the socioeconomic factors of people that would influence their attitudes towards euthanasia. Medical care has changed drastically and with that comes new ways to either extend life or end life. It is important to remember that just because one has some form of extension on life, it does not always mean that quality of life is always better. the right to live or die can be implicated by the doctor giving care or by the patient themselves.The results showed that ending a life is socially differentiated and can vary according to these factors such as age, gender, socio-economic status, and other social factors. The study aimed to find out if this attitude is different within different social groups.Most studied where doctor assisted suicide (n=17), age (n=46), gender (n=44), ethnicity (n=11), and education status (n=6). Using values, and incorporating with manners of death impact the survey. There seems to be a death divide when it comes down to the views from different types of people in different situations. The educated seem to respond favorably, while less educated oppose the matter. Age also is pretty significant. The older are more in favor and tolerable over those who are younger and have no experience with debilitating illnesses. Future studies will have to be done in order to conclude if the whether the differences mean that there is less than an optimal end of life care for specific groups.


Rietjens, J., Deschepper, R., Pasman, R., & Deliens, L., (2012). Medical end-of-life decisions: Does its use differ in vulnerable patient groups? A systematic review and meta-analysis.Social Science & Medicine, 74(2012), 1282-1287.

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