Black Voices

Black Voices

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Read the book ( black voices edited by A. chapamn )

(Black Voices (Signet Classics)Mass Market Paperback? April 1, 2001)

– I want you to read 5 poems from the book and each one of the poems you need to explain by writing 2 Paragraph each one frame the 5 pomes


For ex first pome you have to writing 2 Paragraph: how was your feeling when u was reading them – tell a story if is related to you use you emotions to explain them and what ever you want to add

For ex second pome you have to writing 2 Paragraph: how was your feeling when u was reading them – tell a story if is related to you use you emotions to explain them and what ever you want to add

For ex third pomeyou have to writing 1 Paragraph: how was your feeling when u was reading them – tell a story if is related to you use you emotions to explain them and what ever you want to add

For ex forth pome you have to writing 1 Paragraph: how was your feeling when u was reading them – tell a story if is related to you use you emotions to explain them and what ever you want to add

For ex fifth pome you have to writing 2 Paragraph: how was your feeling when u was reading them – tell a story if is related to you use you emotions to explain them and what ever you want to add


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