Background Study Paper

For this background study paper, we will focus only on the historical context issues. These issues will be
assumed in the later theological theme paper and exegesis paper. But let’s clarify them for now. As a result,
you will have a permanent summary for your own files the text you get ready to teach or preach this book of the
Write a 6-page background study paper. After a short introduction to the book as a whole, address the
following topics in separate paragraphs. Be sure to begin each paragraph with a clear topic sentence (“The
author is ….”). Then in the paragraph support that claim with both internal evidence (what does the book itself
say) and external evidence (biblical scholarship, early church fathers, etc.).
Author – Who wrote the book and what do we know about him?
Audience – Who were the recipients? What do we know about them?
Date – When was it written and what supports that date?
Provenance – Where was the author when they wrote it)
Destination – Where was the audience when they received it)
Occasion – What led to this book being written?
Purpose – What was the author trying to do with the book?
You should consult and cite at least 5 scholarly sources for a passing grade.
Consider using the following sources from Logos Bible Software to get you started:
Lexham Bible Dictionary
Tyndale Commentary series
New American Commentary series
Paper should include an introduction, body, and conclusion.
Turabian format is required.
Consult the CCBS Writing Style guidelines (in Populi/Files).

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