Audit Evidence


Read the Tradeoffs in Audit Testing (PDF) downloadcase and answer the following questions.
(Reminder: Use of case solutions is considered academic dishonesty.)
What would your Control Risk (CR) assessment be with respect to the existence assertion? Provide support for
your answer. Hint: To answer this question, calculate the total audit hours under each of the four CR
assessment levels and choose the level that utilizes the fewest audit hours. (Assume that hourly billing rates
are the same for all tests of control and audit procedures.) Show your calculations.
How does the choice of a CR assessment affect audit quality?
Suppose that you assessed CR as Low, and your control testing indicated that the control activities were
operating effectively. Later in the audit, when gathering substantive evidence by obtaining confirmations from
customers, you discovered several misstatements in accounts receivable related to the existence assertion.
Speculate as to how it could happen that control testing indicates the controls are operating effectively, yet
misstatements in the financial statements are detected by substantive tests of details.
What effect, if any, should this detection of misstatements have on your control risk assessment?

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