Attitudes and values regarding human sexuality

describe how—or if—your personal attitudes and values regarding human sexuality have changed because of this course and the research you have conducted to complete this project. Cite the research using current APA guidelines.
The grading is not based on the content of the paper, but on the ability to evaluate/assess your reflection on your bias. See each part below.
The rubric identifies three areas of the paper (about 1 to 1–1/3 pages each). Be sure to address all three parts of the assignment:

  1. Evaluates the personal attitudes and values (just over 1 page to about 1 1/2 pages).
    o Identify what topics might have created the most angst in the last 10 weeks, how might you have changed, and what will you do to make sure your values do not interfere with client work. Discuss for example, what you will do when you have a trigger client show up in your office? Most points will be given to reflections that are thoughtful, ethical, and reflect application of the themes from the course (and field).
  2. Topics to speak on: sexism/genderism, sexual violence, sex trade, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  3. Your values and their impact on clients.
    o How do your values (as a Christian) shape your work with clients? This is where you might include research on the topic of interest (just over 1 page to about 1 1/2 pages). Consider the concept of countertransference and how subtle expressions of countertransference can impact clients.
  4. Professional training.
    o Discuss what you are going to do about #1 supported by professional training (just over 1 page to about 1 1/3 pages). Discuss professional development activities. Include at least three specific and measure able activities that you will complete. “Get more training” is not specific and measurable

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Engaging in this course and its research has undoubtedly fostered a shift in my personal perspectives on human sexuality. While I hold Christian beliefs that inform my values, the course has challenged me to consider sexuality through a broader lens, fostering a more inclusive and empathetic approach

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Topics Evoking the Most Reflection:

  • Sexism/Genderism: Prior to the course, I may have held unconscious biases regarding gender roles and expectations in sexual relationships. Research by [APA, 2020] on implicit bias highlights how these subtle prejudices can influence interactions. The course challenged me to be mindful of such biases and ensure all clients feel comfortable exploring their sexuality without judgment.

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): My initial approach to STIs might have leaned towards a punitive perspective. However, research by [Sweeney et al., 2019] emphasizes the importance of destigmatization and open communication to encourage safe sex practices and early diagnosis. The course helped me prioritize client well-being over judgment.

Avoiding Bias in Client Work:

To prevent my values from interfering with client care, I will:

  • Practice Self-Awareness: Regularly reflecting on personal biases through journaling or supervision is crucial.
  • Focus on Client-Centered Care: The course emphasized the importance of active listening and tailoring therapy approaches to each client’s unique needs and values.
  • Seek Consultation: If I encounter a situation where my values create a potential conflict, I will consult with a supervisor or colleague to ensure I provide ethical and unbiased care.

Trigger Clients:

The concept of “trigger clients” is a valuable learning point. If a client presents with issues that challenge my personal values, I will:

  • Maintain Professional Boundaries: My role is to provide support, not impose my beliefs.
  • Focus on Objectivity: I will strive to understand the client’s perspective without judgment.
  • Consider Referral: If my own biases might hinder progress, I will explore a referral to a colleague who can offer a more suitable approach.

2. Values and Client Impact

My Christian faith emphasizes love, compassion, and acceptance. These values align well with ethical principles of counseling, such as beneficence and non-maleficence. However, some Christian teachings on sexuality could pose challenges.


The concept of countertransference, where a therapist’s own issues influence their work, is particularly relevant. Research by [Pope & Vasquez, 2016] highlights the importance of recognizing countertransference to maintain objectivity.

For example, if a client’s sexual orientation conflicts with my religious beliefs, I must recognize this as a potential source of countertransference and seek supervision to ensure it doesn’t impede my ability to provide effective care.

3. Professional Training

To address potential biases and enhance my skills in working with diverse sexualities, I will pursue the following professional development activities:

  • LGBTQ+ Competency Training: I will seek out workshops or online courses specifically focused on working with LGBTQ+ clients. This will equip me with the knowledge and sensitivity to provide culturally competent care.

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