Atribute to success;

Atribute to success;

1. Future Employability
Writing on trends in the twenty- first- century workplace, three authors that we have read make distinctions that, they argue, provide the keys to future employability: Krugman writes of routine and non-routine work; Blinder, of personal services and impersonal services; and Kessler, of creators and servers. Write an argument synthesis that supports and extends one of these views; in addition to the author you choose to discuss, locate and incorporate two academic journals from Algonquin’s edatabases.

2. Meaningful Work
Assuming that you are fortunate enough to get a job upon graduation, is it reasonable to expect this job to be personally meaningful? Draw on the selection by Sennett in developing your paper and as well as two additional articles from academic journals from Algonquin’s edatabases. Note: Relatively early in your paper, you should define (both for you and your reader) the word meaningful.

3. Attributes to Succeed
What are the attributes of workers who are likeliest to succeed in the new economy? Develop your answer in the form of an argument synthesis the attributes for success discussed by Kessler, Krugman, Rampell, or Blinder (pick one). In the second part of your paper, analyze your own prospects for workplace success based on these same attributes. Consider two questions: To what extent do you possess these attributes now? To what extent will your intended course of study prepare you to develop these attributes? In addition to the author you choose to discuss, locate and incorporate two academic journals from Algonquin’s edatabases.

4. Character in the Workforce
Sennett concludes that the skills needed to succeed in the new economy may “corrode” one’s character. He writes that the “qualities of good work [in the new economy] are not the qualities of good character.” He argues that our work affects our character and, ultimately, our prospects for personal fulfillment. Do you accept this connection between work and psychic health? Use the article by Sennett along with examples from your own work experience (or the experience of someone you know well) to develop an argument.  In addition to Sennett, locate and incorporate two academic journals from Algonquin’s edatabases.

5. From Education to Work
Training beyond high school can lead to a variety of degrees and certifications: the bachelor’s degree from four- year institutions; a two- year associate’s degree that demonstrates competence in a particular field; a license that gains one access to a trade; apprenticeships that gain one access to a union; and more. Given the discussions of Blinder, Kessler, and Krugman concerning changes in the new economy and good jobs that are likely to remain for American workers, what are the relative values of these degrees? What can one expect, in terms of employability when pursuing one type of post-high school education over another? In addition to referencing one or two the authors just noted, locate and incorporate two academic journals from Algonquin’s edatabases.

Part One – Annotated Bibliography (600-700 words without the APA references)

Using one of the topics above,
•    Locate relevant two articles in academic journals from one of Algonquin’s edatabases (only academic journals and only from Algonquin’s edatabases)
•    List these sources along with the textbook source(s) you choose to use in alphabetical order with appropriate APA end-text format (‘article from a journal on a database’ / ‘article from an anthology’)
•    After each source, include a two-paragraph annotation (150-200 words for the entire annotation)
o    Descriptive
o    Evaluative

•    Use the descriptive annotation to summarize objectively
•    Use the evaluative annotation to explain the source’s reliability, respond with/against the grain, explain how the source might be used in your essay, and how the source relates to the other sources

In total, each annotated will be between 200-250 words, and without the APA references, your entire annotated bibliography will be between 600-700 words.  Please hand in a paper copy (Standard 1-1.5 margins, double-spaced, Times New Roman or Ariel, 11 or 12 font size) and include a word count.

Section 020 due Monday, Nov 10
Section 010 due Tuesday, Nov 11
A detailed rubric will be posted on Blackboard shortly

Part Two – Seminar (10 minutes)

The class will be broken into groups of 6-7 students, and each student will present an individual seminar to the other group members.
•    The seminar will include a handout that you give to all group members and the instructor (7-8 copies) and this handout will include
o    A detailed outline with full thesis, topic sentences, and support
o    A copy of the annotated bibliography (revised)
o    Two carefully crafted focused, but open-ended discussion questions
•    The content of the seminar will be your chosen topic
•    The format of the seminar is very much up to the individual, but remember that you are leading a discussion and not giving a presentation.
o    Perhaps explain why you choose this topic and why is it of interest to you
o    Perhaps explain the evolution of your argumentative thesis
o    Perhaps give a broad overview of your sources using your annotated bibliography (see below)
o    Definitely involve all group members and collect their insights and opinions on your topic
o    Definitely react to and develop a brief discussion with your group members
o    Definitely plan and rehearse your seminar so you do not go over or under 10 minutes

The seminars will occur in Weeks 12 and 13
A detailed schedule will be drafted shortly

Part Three – Final Argumentative Synthesis Essay (1500-1750 words without the APA references)

The final paper assignment will be an argumentative synthesis similar to the demonstration paper in Chapter 5 of our textbook.  Develop a balanced, detailed discussion that contains
•    An introduction that draws the reader in an ends with the thesis statement
•    An explicit argumentative thesis that makes an assertion about your content and organizes/announces the arguments in the paper; for the sake of clarity, underline the thesis.
•    Arguments that contain claims and specific support
•    Critical engagement with the three-four sources (with and against the grain)
•    Clear transitions between each section to signal the direction of your discussion
•    Correct in-text and end-text APA citations

Section 020 due Monday, Dec1
Section 010 due Tuesday, Dec 2
A detailed rubric will be posted on Blackboard shortly


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