Assignment Instructions

Assignment Instructions

Scenario: Technical managers are often required to explain technologies and make business cases to leadership. Technology managers need the skills to summarize and assess technical articles and publications. Then they need to make and pitch a business case to non-technical leadership/executives. In my experience, managers that are capable of getting buy-in from leadership are more effective.


Find a technical article on the web that is related to the course you are studying. Write 3 independent sections based on the article. (Summary, Assessment, and Business Case). Each section should be independent from each other. For example, The business case should not refer to your summary or assessment sections. Be sure to use headings for each section.


The first paragraph should summarize the article.


The assessment should be focused on what you think/learned about the article.

Business Case:

The business case is your business pitch to executive leadership. This section should be very professional and you should stay away from personal pronouns such as “I” or “you” but instead focus on the company and business objectives.

Example Structure:

Assignment Title: Article 1
Student Name: Joe Student
Course/Section: CTS1163C/Section 001
Paper Due Date: January 21, 2012

Article Title: Windows 7 Updated??
Article Author: Phil Stenkowitz??
Source/URL: Network Magazine (online
Article Date: 12/10/11?

(Note: The remainder of the paper should be double spaced)

See Rubric

See Rubric

Business Case:
See Rubric

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Article Rubric
Article Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
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Full Marks
10 pts
No Marks
0 pts
10 pts
Right Header
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Full Marks
5 pts
No Marks
0 pts
5 pts
Left Header
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Full Marks
5 pts
No Marks
0 pts
5 pts
Paper Format and Spelling
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Full Marks
10 pts
No Marks
0 pts
10 pts
Summary Section:
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Full Marks
10 pts
No Marks
0 pts
10 pts
Assessment Section: Learning Objective
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Full Marks
10 pts
No Marks
0 pts
10 pts
Assessment Section: Manager Perspective
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Full Marks
10 pts
No Marks
0 pts
10 pts
Business Case: Structure
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Full Marks
10 pts
No Marks
0 pts
10 pts
Business Case: Clear and to the point
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Full Marks
15 pts
No Marks
0 pts
15 pts
Business Case: Executive Perspective
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Full Marks
15 pts
No Marks
0 pts
15 pts
Total Points: 100
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