Assignment: Design Your Own Leading Social Change Model

Assignment:  Design Your Own Leading Social Change Model

Models come in all shapes and sizes, and they all have different purposes, but each should highlight the most important concepts or values of leadership and social change for you and show how each concept relates to the others. In this assignment, I would like you to draw, diagram, or describe in words the most important concepts and values that you believe drive leadership (your own or that of others), and how they relate to each other.

Step One:  Pick 3 to 5 key concepts or values of Leadership for Social Change that you think are important in general or in a specific field that interests you.

Example: Here is one I saw used in a workshop once.  The people in the workshop said that leadership was divided into three basic areas of ability:
1.    Vision = the ability to have and express a vision for the organization.
This person knows what to do.
2.    Work = putting in the time and effort to achieve success.
This person puts in the effort to do what is necessary.
3.    Process = the ability to set up systems to successfully achieve a goal.
This person knows the best way to get things done.
The point of the workshop is that everyone has skills in one or more of these three areas.

Step Two:  Prioritize you concepts, meaning are they all about equally important or are some more important than others.

Example:  For the above, I’d give them the same priority, so I’ll diagram them in a way that makes sure one is not more important than any of the others.

Step Three: Decide how they are related and try to show it graphically:  Are they specific steps in a process or are they overlapping values that always need to be addressed for you to be a good leader?  What relationships are you trying to illustrate?

Version #1 A Concept Model:  Venn diagrams are often the easiest way to create a model based on concepts.  These two versions might show two different views of leading social change.

Version #2 A Process Model:

Version #3 A Metaphorical Model:  In this version, I show my model as a metaphor, rather than as a diagram or flow chart.  Here I want to show that these three concepts of leadership can grow into each other like a the parts of a tree, each with a function that creates a whole.

These examples are pretty simplistic, but it is best to start simply.  And models are always evaluated with two questions:
1.    Is it useful?  Does it help you solve a problem or be a better leader?
2.    Does it communicate your ideas effectively?


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