Assignment Description:

Assignment Description:

•    Refer to 2014 CQM Adult Core set Table and 2014 CQM (see attached documents).
I have chosen the following measures: controlling high blood pressure; and preventive care and screening tobacco use
•    From the set of 18 eCQMs required for Meaningful Use Stage 2, pick any 2 eCQMs of your choice.
•    Review the National Quality Measure Clearinghouse documentation of the 2 chosen measures. (Search in
•    Read the Measure Evaluation criteria, as well as the measure evaluation guidance. (see attached documents)
•    For each of the 2 eCQMs you chose, describe in your words, following headings about the measure:
•    Title of Measure
•    Description of Measure
•    Type of Measure
•    Scoring, Interpretation of score
•    Target Population
•    Numerator and Denominator
•    Data collection for the measure
•    Inclusion and Exclusion criteria for numerator and denominator
•    Importance of measure
•    Address the topic
•    Logic of description
•    Cite ractical examples, illustration, references
•    Scientific acceptability of measure
•    Address the topic
•    Logic of description
•    Cite practical examples, illustration, references
•    Usability of measure
•    Address the topic
•    Logic of description
•    Cite practical examples, illustration, references
•    Feasibility of measure
•    Address the topic
•    Logic of description
•    Cite practical examples, illustration, references

Grading Rubric
Item    Sub-Item    Maximum Points    Points Earned    Comments
Description of Measure    Type of Measure    3
Numerator and Denominator    3
Data Collection    3
Importance of Measure    Address the topic    3
Logic of description    3
Practical Examples, Illustration, References    3
Scientific Acceptability of Measure    Address the topic    3
Logic of description    3
Practical Examples, Illustration, References    3
Usability of Measure    Address the topic    3
Logic of description    3
Practical Examples, Illustration, References    3
Feasibility of Measure    Address the topic    3
Logic of description    3
Practical Examples, Illustration, References    3
Spelling and Grammar    5
TOTAL    50

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