When doing research in the lab, exercise physiologists have to do Literature reviews in order to
see if their hypothesis of whatever it is they are trying to test has already been done or to see
what could be missing in the literature. I took the “research” aspect away and have found the
articles I want you to use. Your hypothesis is “Lactate is the only cause of fatigue in all types
sporting events and exercises. This includes: sprinting, marathons, low intensity exercise, and
high intensity exercise.”
As you read these articles, determine whether your hypothesis is true or false.
• Create literature review or detailed bullet points for all articles (About 1 page each, if that. Could be longer )
o Only include:
§ Purpose and/or hypothesis (Articles usually have both but sometimes they
only have one)
§ Methods (If they performed study)
• Not how they analyzed data, only their procedures to collect data
(sample size, test used, length, surveys, etc.)
§ Results and implications
• Answer the following questions: (1 page)
o What is lactate threshold?
o When do you hit lactate threshold? Use an example of running a mile when
answering this question. Keep in mind intensity of the mile at best effort and
relate it to the definition of lactate threshold.
• If your hypothesis was correct: explain how lactate causes fatigue in all types of sporting
events and exercises. I want a well thought out answer in essay format. Think about how
the articles end their papers, use that style of writing here to explain your answer and
thought process as best as possible. (2 pages max)
Those articles should be all correct.
• If your hypothesis was incorrect: explain how lactate is not the cause of fatigue in all
types of sporting events and exercises. Include what causes fatigue in sprinting events,
middle distance events like a mile, and during prolonged endurance exercise. I want a
well thought out answer in essay format. Think about how the articles end their papers,
use that style of writing here to explain your answer and thought process as best as
possible. (2 pages max)
Format of paper:
• APA Format
• Times New Roman
• 12 pt font
• Double spaced and 1 in margins
• Include indication of what I am reading
o Example: If you are doing literature review, put at the top “Literature review
of…” or the question being asked “What is lactate threshold”
o This is so I know what I am reading
• Each Lit review will be on separate pages
• Questions will be on same page