assignment 3
assignment 3
1- only use the sources below, if you do not have them do not take the order.
2- use as simple language as possible
Each student will write a paper for this course building on the basic understanding of the way theology is done. This paper will select a particular current issue that the student believes is in some way related to religious beliefs. The aim of the paper, which is to be 5 pages typed, double spaced, is to explore the way religious beliefs are applied to real issues in order to provide the believer a way of acting in the world. The structure for the paper will follow a pattern which:
Identifies and describes an important current issue giving as much detail about the basic questions that all people face in dealing with an issue as possible (e.g., any of the current issues that have been discussed in class and are the focus of any of our readings such as religious pluralism, the environment or violence).
Asks which basic religious beliefs are connected to and inform a believer’s views on the issue described.
Describes what historical ideas and practices (meaning the range of views Christians have had on any particular belief) from the religious tradition apply in particular to the way the believer forms their views on the issue.
And offers the student’s personal point of view (not what your opinion is of the issue but rather what you think of what the authors have said about Christian belief) on a religious perspective which is defended by applying the fundamental beliefs you have discussed above.
Ample time during the course will be given to explore examples of what the student is asked to do in this paper so that working models should be plentiful to help the student respond to each of these points in their paper. Remember that the focus of the paper is not the issue you have selected but rather the Christian viewpoint you have put together. The paper is due on the date listed in the class schedule of the course syllabus.
THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE (Old and New Testaments) ISBN: 0060655275
Chopp, Rebecca and Mark Taylor. Reconstructing Christian Theology ISBN:0800626966
Hanson, Bradley. Introducion to Christian Theology. ISBN:0800629841
Moore, James. Toward A Dialogical Community. ISBN: 0761828362