Assessment Item 2: Business Plan Guidelines
Assessment Item 2: Business Plan Guidelines
Length: 3700 Words (+/- 10%)
(Note that you can use some or all of the material from your business concept as part of your 3700 words which you can revise based on marker’s feedback)
Please note: the Executive Summary, References and Appendices are not included in the word count.
Based on your own idea for a new and innovative business that you developed and presented in assignment 1 (your business concept) you now need to develop your idea and write a full business plan for this new entrepreneurial business undertaking. The business plan is required to be a realistic assessment of the full developmental process for a new and innovative enterprise, as applied to your business concept.
It is important that the business plan should attempt to integrate as much content from across the whole unit as possible. Use the weekly lecture topics as a guide as to the elements you should include in your business plan, e.g. building the new enterprise team, legal and financing issues (for detailed financial plan requirement please refer to week 8 lecture materials including the spreadsheet), and managing the innovation process.
Please note the plan is 3700 words long and may include some or all of the content of your business concept which you can use as a basis for your business plan (i.e. include as part of your 3700 words). You might like to revise your business concept using the feedback you receive from the marker. Any of the material you use from your business concept should be integrated it into your plan; you may need to extend/add/delete some parts of the concept and use it in different sections of the plan. But please note you SHOULD NOT ATTACH YOUR FIRST ASSIGNMENT INTO YOUR BUSINESS PLAN. It is entirely up to you to decide how to integrate and expand your business concept into a business plan.
There are several business plan templates that you may use that will guide you as to the content and structure of your plan. For more information about the key elements of a business plan please refer to the examples that have been uploaded in their own folder under Assessment 2 on Blackboard; see also the Week 5 lecture slides. These examples provide detailed information on the sections you need to include and what you need to cover in each section. Please use any structure that you may think best fits with your business idea. Some may not be relevant to your particular idea but they are just given as a guideline. The important thing is that you cover all the key elements in a business plan and that you tailor it to suit your particular idea.
Please note you must ensure that to cite correctly any information you use from other sources and provide a reference list at the end of your business plan. There is no requirement for minimum number of the sources that you should use but you should utilise correct referencing techniques and do not plagiarise (use the Harvard or APA Referencing System).
If you fail to provide appropriate referencing you will be penalised. Refer to the referencing guidelines provided on Cite/Write. Students who are found to have plagiarised the work of others will be penalised according to university policy. More general information about writing a report can be found at: