Assessment Information
Assessment Information
Subject Code: GB601
Subject Name: MBA Capstone
Assessment Title: Business Plan
Weighting: 25%
Reference: 4500 words
at least 15 sources
Please carefully read through, as this is an online business simulation.
This assessment task is an online computer generated business simulation. The business is manufacturing computer and laptop. The company is called “Advanced Technology Pty Ltd”. The company’s predominant target market segments are Workhorse and Traveler. Search for theory and concept of Workhorse and Traveler terms in attached.
The company is now producing Personal Computer for Workhorse segment, Traveler and Mercedes segment. Currently, we have three sales offices one in shanghai and Chicago and Paris. The new sales office that will be completing by the end of quarter 4 is at Sao Paulo. The head office for web sale channel is in Chicago.
The maximum number of goods the factory can produced is 50 units per day or 3,250 units per quarter and the
There are the total of 14 sales persons, 10 staff in Chicago, 10 staff in Shanghai and 10 staff in Sao Paulo. For web sale channel, we also have 10 staff ready to assist customers.
Assessment Description
Over the last 4 quarters, you have been working to create a business plan for presentation to potential venture capitalist investors (lecturer). You are required to submit a business plan to the potential investors for review and comment.
The aim of this assignment is to produce a precise and analytically thought out plan for your business.
The business plan should reference correctly (using the Harvard style) any theories or sources of information that you have chosen to include within your submission.
Any charts or data that you include should be referred to in the narrative i.e. if you put in p&l data you need to explain in words what they key numbers actually mean.
In the assessment question, there is a list of suggested contents for you to include in the plan.
Please read carefully the marking rubrics that are on the portal as within them it shows the breakdown of marks.
To pass this assessment, what is required is not only WHAT you propose but WHY you propose it i.e. explanation / analysis. All proposals made need to be backed up with either a theoretical rationale, numeric or analytical reason.
When producing and reviewing your plan, put yourselves in the shoes of a potential investor (in this case it is me that plays that role). As an investor, I know virtually nothing about your business or its performance, so what I read in the plan needs to clearly explain the choices and decisions you intend to make. I will then mark the plan and in doing so, pose some questions and make some suggestions that are to be incorporated into your final assessment 4.
The business plan should be up to 20 pages in length and address the areas outlined below. This information will be reviewed by the venture capitalists (lecturer) who will provide written feedback within a week. You will need to incorporate these suggestions into your plans going forward both in the simulation and your final report to the board.
Academic referencing standards must be adhered to in citing others work and/or applying strategic frameworks.
The Business Plan should include the following components:
A. Executive Summary
B. Review of financial and market performance during the past year (4 quarters)
Under this topic. I will be providing financial and market performance during the past year. Kindly refer to the information attached and review the current performance of the company.
* Currently, the simulation is still in quarter 4. The financial and market performance of quarter four will be available by Sunday 13 Sep. I will upload the data for you immediately once its become available.
C. Assessment of current situation and the market
1. PESTEL Analysis
– an overview PESTEL Analysis for all markets including Chicago, Shianghai, Sao Paulo and Paris.
2. Our Customers, target market, and market share
– include environment
3. Competition & Industry (Porters 5 Forces)
4. Company’s strengths and weaknesses (SWOT Analysis)
– identify company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
5. Major problems / opportunities to be dealt with in next year
– discuss the current major problem or opportunities to dealt
– Problems; could be the amount cash ending each quarter. Spending on advertising. Improving Mercedes Market share. Create more sales for both Workhorse and Mercedes segment.
– company is undergo R&D of new features which will launch in the next quarter (Q.5). This could lead to major problems and/or opportunity depend if the R&D provide the solution to end user or competitor may provide better product which match customer need.
– Kindly, investigate for further major problems and/or opportunities that company may be facing from files provided.
D. Overview of corporate strategy
In this section, you can develop on your own choice about the corporate strategy since this is a computer generated online game. But be precise and focused and pretending this was a real situation.
1. Mission / Vision
– Create a mission and vision statement for Advanced Technology Pty Limited
2. Culture and leadership
– develop the business environment, management and leadership strategy.
3. Basis of competitive advantage
4. Corporate strategy
5. Ethical and Social Implications
E. Strategy for the next year in business (What will it take to get ahead or stay ahead?)
1. Marketing Strategy
– Refer to current marketing strategy. How to improve?
– Develop a strategy for next year by outlining the marketing 4 P’s (Products, Price, Place of Distribution, Promotion/Rebate and plus Service).
– Ways to penetrate our marketing strategy effectively and successfully.
2. Sales Channel Strategy
– Develop a sales channel strategy; clearly state ways of bringing products and/or services to market so that they can be purchased by consumers. Currently, the business is selling directly to its customers through 4 sale channels in 4 Regions and web sales worldwide.
o Increase the number of sales and support staffs in all region and focus more on the 2 main target markets (workhorse and traveller).
o Increase the number of sales and support staffs for web sales channel to support the increase in demand for online customers.
o Sales force have adequate coaching and supervision
o All information resources (example product information) must be fully utilised to support selling.
– Increasing sales channel by associating with intermediary such as retailer or dealer to increase potential sales.
3. Human Resource Strategy
– Refer to current HR strategy on incentive compensation package.
– Develop strategy to makes employees more happy and stay with company longer
– Recruitment and selection process
– It could be increasing salary, holiday, health cover, pension, incentive and so on.
4. Manufacturing Strategy
– Please see figure and create strategy for next year.
– Think of labour cost, production cost. Maximizing the capacity.
– Expand production capacity to support the increase in demand in the market.
5. Financial Strategy (including forecast)
– project the company financial for the next year.
– are we increasing factory capacity and more sales channels and
web sales channels. If so, financial planning to the budget and
spending is crucial.
F. Financial request from potential investors
You must now write a proposal on how much money you will required from the potential investors and how many shares they will get? Are there any terms and contracts to be bound?
In order for the company grow bigger, sufficient funds, demands, supply have to be met.
G. Tactical plan (Q.1-Q6)
– A detailed, clear and well presented chart. Time line and tactics appropriate, with no errors and fully explained in report. (You can take on important point for example Number of New Brands, Brand Feature R&D Expense, Advertising Budget and etc.
H. Conclusion
I. List of Reference
J. Appendices