Asian Theatre and Theatre of the Absurd

PowerPoints 1. In Japan, what was the name of the theatre that was Influenced by Zen Buddhism and Is still performed today as it was five hundred years ago? 2. Kabuki plays are divided Into? made up of loosely connected episodes that emphasize? 3. In Kabuki plays the climactic moment In many scenes is reached In a highly stylized? by the principal character. 4. In Kabuki Japanese theatre the audience Is expected to? They will callout an actor’s name if they like a? 5. The book Natyasastra Is often considered to be the most valuable historical record of? 6. India produces more musicals today than any other country, known as?
The Theatre of the Absurd and Samuel Beckett 1. Samuel Beckett, wrote the play Waiting for Godot that showed? by means of a lucid language and logical reasoning in the play. 2. Name the fOur thing that contributed to the historical background for The Theatre of the Absurd. The aftermath of? increased by the Cold War. The atrocities of? The Allies? Disillusionment Coming from the realization that Britain had been? 3. According to the Absurds playwrights there was new meaing of exitence, which had four elements. FIll In the missing descriptions . • Awareness of man’s propensity to? and conscience of the? • The lack of moral assurance and the decline of? • The disillusionment with both the liberal and social theories about? • Mistrust in the? 4. What is the name of the type of theatre that saw man trapped in a hostile world. Human life was meaningless, and this created a sense of confusion, despair and emptiness? 5. Fill in the missing descriptions for the main features of The Theatre of the Absurd. ? of a real story or plot. 2.? since an actions are insignificant. 3 i about time, place and the characters. 4. The value of language is? in fact, what happens on the stage transcends, and often

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