Art history terminology

First identify the artist, title, date and STYLE of both works of art.
Then, write an essay that compares and contrasts these works of art using the art history terminology to describe the visual. Be sure to consider a comparison of function, meaning, form, and socio-historical context. Do not simply list details but EXPLAIN WHY these details are significant. You may compare the following prompts in your essay:
• What are the subjects/narratives portrayed?
• How are they similar/different?
• Are these works representative of a style or two different styles? e.g., abstract, naturalistic, idealistic, realistic
• Were these works exhibited? If so, how were they received by the public?
• What insights do these works provide into their respective cultures?
• Consider how the work engages with themes of: Power and social order, gender, the female nude, class struggle, sexuality, the natural world, consumerism, war, etc.
Remember, do not simply write one paragraph on one work and a separate paragraph on the other. Instead, try to identify a thesis (if time allows) and write paragraphs comparing and contrasting elements from each painting.
write an essay that compares and contrasts these works of art using the art history terminology to describe the visual.
What are the subjects/narratives portrayed?
How are they similar/different?
Are these works representative of a style or two different styles?
Were these works exhibited? If so, how were they received by the public?
What insights do these works provide into their respective cultures?
How do these objects represent gender, class, or race?
How might these objects contribute to the history of depicting nudes in the history of art?

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