Applied research and Biostatistics

Applied research and Biostatistics

Attached is the article as well as the requirements AND the answer of the questions for my friend

Read the article carefully

BioMed Central
Page 1 of 6
(page number not for citation purposes)
International Journal of Behavioral
Nutrition and Physical Activity
Research Open Access
Home grocery delivery improves the household food environments
of behavioral weight loss participants: Results of an 8-week pilot

Applied Research and Biostatistics 381: Critical Review Form

Instructions: Use tab or arrow keys to move between fields, mouse or spacebar to check/uncheck boxes.

CITATION    Provide the full citation for this article in Vancouver format:


Was the aims
stated clearly?

0 Yes
0 No
1.Outline hypothesis of the study.

2.Outline aims of the study.

Was relevant background literature reviewed?
0 Yes
0 No
Justify the need for this study:

0 Randomized (RCT)
0 cohort
0 single case design
0 before and after
0 case-control
0 cross-sectional
0 case study
0 other

1.Describe the study design.

2.Was the design appropriate for the study question?

3. Specify any biases that may have been operating


What is total N =?
Was the sample described in detail?
0 Yes
0 No

Was sample size
0 Yes
0 No
0 N/A
1.Sampling (who; characteristics; how many; how was sampling done?), in other words, what was the inclusion criteria and how were they recruited?

2.If more than one group, was there similarity between the groups in the study? If so why or why not?

3.Describe ethics procedures. Was informed consent obtained?:


Were the outcome
measures reliable?
0 Yes
0 No
0 Not addressed

Were the outcome
measures valid?
0 Yes
0 No
0 Not addressed
List the type of outcome(s) measured at pre and post- intervention and what measures were used for each outcome.


Intervention was described in detail?
0 Yes
0 No
0 Not addressed

Selection biases avoided?
0 Yes
0 No
0 Not addressed
0 N/A

Measurement biases was avoided?
0 Yes
0 No
0 Not addressed
0 N/A
1.Provide a short description of the intervention (what was the focus, who delivered it, how often, setting).

2.Could the intervention be replicated in practice?


Results were reported in terms of statistical significance?
0 Yes
0 No
0 N/A
0 Not addressed

Were the analysis method(s) appropriate?
0 Yes
0 No
0 Not addressed
1.What were the results?

2.Were they statistically significant (i.e., p < 0.05)?

3.If not statistically significant, was study big enough to show an important difference if it should occur?

4.If there were multiple outcomes, was that taken into account for the statistical analysis?


Was clinical importance reported?
0 Yes
0 No
0 Not addressed
1.What was the clinical importance of the results?

2.Were differences between groups clinically meaningful? (if applicable)


Drop-outs were reported?
0 Yes
0 No
1.Did any participants drop out from the study?

2.Why? (Were reasons given)


Conclusions were appropriate given study methods and results
0 Yes
0 No
1.What were the study conclusions?

2.What are the implications of these results for health science professionals working in this area of practice? (The “So what?” question)

3.What are the limitations of this study? Consider any relevant issues of sample size; external validity (generalisability of findings to beyond the study sample); factors influencing the internal validity of the study (including, where relevant , sources of bias; maturation; history; measurement effects; testing effects; confounding factors

Personal reflection?

How has this article changed your views?

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