Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

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900 WORDS MAX CUC100 Assessment 2: Annotated Bibliography Task: This assessment requires you to create an annotated bibliography from the three core readings. The purpose of this task is to practice reading, writing and summarising, as well as develop your referencing skills. Each annotation should include two paragraphs – a summary of the core reading and a comment on how the reading’s key arguments relates to your essay topic establishing sustainability in schools in Australia. Each annotation should be approximately 300 words and include a summary and comment paragraph: • Summary paragraph: Summarise the key ideas and/or arguments in each reading (in your own words). Avoid directly quoting the author/s and paraphrase the main points from the core reading. • Comment paragraph: What aspects of the readings relate to your chosen essay issue which is establishing sustainability in schools in Australia and the three pillars of sustainability? Begin each annotation with the reading’s correct reference as the heading of each annotation. Additional information You only have about 150 words to comment on each reading – so get straight to the point and mention how one particular key idea, term or definition from the reading could be used to help you answer your essay question which is establishing sustainability in schools in Australia. For example, does the reading give a clear summary of sustainability principles that allows you to discuss these in your Persuasive essay? Does the third core reading open your eyes to the different perspectives and stakeholders of your particular essay issue? Is the reading of little use to your essay, if so why? Keep in mind that an annotated bibliography is not a critique – it should be a summary of content and inform the reader of the source’s relevance and usefulness to your work. Follow the below link when referencing the core readings:

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