Analyzing Elizabeth Bishop’s “ The Fish”

Analyzing Elizabeth Bishop’s “ The Fish”

This activity brings together what you have accomplished while analyzing poetry thus far, like identifying literary elements and illustrating a poetic theme when discussing those elements.

For this activity, you must read and respond to Elizabeth Bishop’s poem “The Fish.”

Begin by first completing the following steps:

READ the poem, first silently, then ALOUD:
LISTEN to a reading of the poem:
Follow the below steps to complete your close reading and discussion of Elizabeth Bishop’s “The Fish.”

Review an in-depth analysis of the poem at the How Poems Work. site (
Read three (3) of the literary elements on the Shmoop site, as applied to the poem (
Read the literary analyses of the poem (
Look at the ‘Writing about Poetry’ suggestions at the OWL at Purdue (
Post your personal interpretation of the poem’s theme, and include the following:
Identify at least two (2) literary elements in “The Fish” that contribute to the theme, and support your identification with quote or two from the poem.
Discuss one (1) critical approach you read that applies to “The Fish” in discussing its theme.
Explain how the information you read and/or listened to contributes to your personal reaction, either supporting or challenging your personal interpretation of the poem. Remember to include a quote or two from the poem to support and illustrate your discussion.
Your post should be at least 150 words and employ correct APA Style of cited quotes from your readings. Also respond to two of your peers in no fewer than 50 words per response and explain why or how you agree or disagree with their close reading, supporting your response with quotes from the poem.

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