An analysis of how photography addresses ideas about still life, with particular reference to the works of Irving Penn Still Lif

An analysis of how photography addresses ideas about still life, with particular reference to the works of Irving Penn Still Lif

session 7/8
You now have a draft of your 3,500 word essay. Below are some tips to help you improve it.

To make sure you get a good pass:

1. Is the title of the essay informative and interesting?

2. Is the opening paragraph interesting, and by its end does it focus on the topic?

3. Are photographs identified as precisely as possible ( photographer, title, date)?

4. Is the point of the essay (thesis) stated soon enough a perhaps even in the title a and is it kept in view?

5. Is the organization of the essay reasonable and clear?

6. Is each paragraph unified by a topic sentence or idea?

7. Does each paragraph link up with the one before and the one after?

8. Are ideas supported by evidence (quotes, or analysis of quotes, photographs, garments)?

9. Are sentences clear, and needless words edited out?

10. Does the conclusion conclude?

11. Are dates and quotes accurate, and are sources referenced?

12. Are quotes concise, relevant, and fully explained?

13. Are titles underlined?

14. Are footnotes and bibliography in proper order?

a. First write the name of the photographer,designer or author

b. Then write the title of the photograph, design or book

c. Then write the date it was made/published

d. Then, if it is a footnote for a quote, the page in the book it is on

15. Has the essay been spellchecked AND then proofread?


1. Have you fully researched the subject of your essay, and have you evidence of this?

2. Have theories have been understood and used well?

3. Does the essay develop ideas clearly, and make best use of research and theory?


1. Is there evaluation, self criticism, and reflection in your conclusions?

2. Is there evidence of independent thought and research?

3. Is their evidence in the essay that research and understanding of theory have influenced your own creative practice?
session 9
Notice to Students

Units 6

Presenting written work

The following are tips for presenting written work for HND unit 6

1 All work must be word processed.

2 Spell check your essay, then re-read and edit it, correcting any grammar and punctuation. Rewrite sentences if they make no sense.

3 The front cover must have your name, A Title, the month and year, and Unit 3 or 6

4 Repeat this information at the top of the contents page. Underneath list various sections, such as introduction, analysis, conclusion, bibliography, list of illustrations, illustrations, each with their page number next to it. All subsequent pages should be numbered, starting with the introduction as page 1.

5 Keep each section separate and single sided, so the introduction has a page(s) to itself, as does the conclusion etc. Make sure the introduction and conclusion are at least 200 words each.

6 All titles (of books, magazines, websites, designs, artworks) should be underlined, and dated if relevant).

7 Make sure you use quotes, and reference them correctly, with the author and page number of the book it is from in brackets afterwards). Explain the quote, and why you have used it. Short quotes of under 4 lines can be written within the body of the text, in italics or with single inverted commas either end, such as Pevsner states athe Modern Movement is a genuine and independent stylea(Pevsner p.215)

8 Quotes of longer than 4 lines must be presented as a separate paragraph and indented like this, without inverted commas (Rushton, p.1208).

9 All written work that is not a quote must be your own words. You may rephrase other peoplesa ideas without quoting, but you must state this is what you are doing (e.g. In his book Sources of Modern Architecture, Pevsner sees Modernism as a specific movement).

10 Bibliographies should be listed in alphabetical order by author surname first, followed by initial(s), then the title (underlined), then publisher and date. Put websites/links together at the end of the bibliography.

11 Illustrations should be at the end, numbered, and preceded by a numbered list of illustrations.

12 All work must be bound, with sleeves and a plastic spine

Plagiarism a what is it, and how can I avoid it

It is evil!! It consumes students and sends them down into eternal damnation. It is temptation a Eve holding the golden apple to Adam and saying abite, bitea. (Steve Rushton, 2009)

Some people do it without knowing it a these few words will help you recognise it, and save you!

Using one word someone else has used, in a book, or article: FINE a words are for everyone.
Using part of a sentence, or anything longer, like a paragraph that someone else has written, in a book, or article: NOT FINE. These are someoneas design, work of art. DONaT STEAL IT. ITaS THEFT.
What you can do, is either quote it, or use your own words to explain what you understand by the sentence. This can be harder than it seems, because sometimes the sentence seems perfect, couldnat have been written better.

A tip: read the sentence, or paragraph, or page, whatever you want to use. Make sure you understand it a if you donat, itas not worth using. Then turn the book over, so you canat see the sentence etc, and write down your understanding. Try it more than once if you donat get it right first time. Then before you finish, make sure you reference the book etc itas from, e.g. aIn Fashion is Fab, Joan Smith says thataa.(p.64).

Now you know, you canat say you havenat been warned. Students will be referred if they plagiarize, and it is so easy for tutors to spot.
begin by analysing the work of your chosen photographer. Identify their style a what is similar in their work. Is it the way they take photographs, their choice of subjects, how they photograph their subjects? Compare 2 photographeras styles a is one photographer more realist/romantic/modern/traditional. Use words and terms used from last year to help you. Then research your chosen photographers. What is their contexts?

Then research your chosen subject? What other photographers have worked with this subject, perhaps even been influenced or been influenced by your chosen photographer, or worked at the same time?

Finally relate them to your practice. (I am using still life photography in my works,just adding bright colours)
reading/sources :
David Campany Art And Photography Phaidon 2007

Charlotte Cotton The Photographer as Contemporary Artist Thames and Hudson 2004

Robert Hirsch Seizing The Light McGraw Hill 2000

Graham Clarke The Photograph Oxford 1997

Mary Warner Marien Photography: A Cultural History Laurence King 2002

Mark Haworth Booth Photography: An Independant Art

John Berger Ways of Seeing BBC 1972

Gut Debord The Society of the Spectacle Zone 1994

Roland Barthes Camera Lucida Jonathan Cape 1982

Geoff Dyer The Ongoing Moment Abacus, 2006

Martin Harrison Appearances : Fashion Photography Since 1945 Jonathan Cape, 1991

Walter Benjamin, aThe Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproductiona (1936), sections II to V, found online and in Frascina and Harris (eds) Art in Modern Culture Open University 1992 pp 298-302

Susan Sontag On Photography Penguin 1979

John Berger Understanding a Photograph Penguin 2013

John A. Walker Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (esp. Ch 4) Pluto 1983

Dick Hebdige Subculture: The Meaning of Style (esp. ch 7) Methuen 1979

Roland Barthes The Fashion System (esp. appendix aFashion Photographya)California 1983

Derrick and Muir (eds) Unseen Vogue Little Brown 2002

Sylvan Barnett A Short Guide to Writing about Art Pearson 2003

Bruzzi and Gibson (eds) Fashion Cultures Routledge 2000

Januszczak et al Techniques of the Worlds Great Photographers Arlington 1989
1 Understand the historical evolution and visual characteristics of the work of artists and designers


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