An adversary of the United States.

For this unit, you will think like an adversary of the United States. At the same time, you will consider and describe (or perhaps “invent”) technological concepts and constructs similar to those employed by the U.S. to include communication networks, fusion centers, a viable information sharing environment, and other technologies possibly used in creative ways. (An example is using a cell phone as a remote detonating device for an improvised explosive device (IED).) You may also describe technologies not known in current use, but these choices must have some citable basis in reality. Make such descriptions persuasive if you elect to use these.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 4–6 pages:

Describe your selected entity—is it a cell, a terrorist network, a nation-state sponsoring terrorists, a conventional nation that opposes the U.S., or some other form?

Your selection and description may be hypothetical, based on real-world organizations or governments, or a combination of both. You are not limited to terrorist organizations or networks.

What are at least 5 main technological types and/or tools used by your selected entity with regard to information sharing and intelligence gathering? Explain.

Describe the adversary’s version of the following:

Communications networks

Fusion centers

Information sharing environment (ISE)

Detection tools

Surveillance capabilities

Assuming your adversary is unconcerned with ethics, describe at least 3 of the unethical or immoral ways this enemy uses technology to attempt to attack or defeat the United States or its allies.

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