American History key social, economic and political changes from 1770s to 1860s

American History key social, economic and political changes from 1770s to 1860s
Order Description
-Discuss the key social, economic and political changes over time from the 1770s to the 1860s. Successful papers will consider the idea of who is an American and arguments over America’s destiny, the changes wrought by the market revolution, and the arguments over the role of the federal government.

– Use Primary sources I have uploaded for citations/evidence. No outside research allowed, so no outside sources or secondary sources only primary sources I have uploaded. Must use only footnotes.
– 1st paragraph: Introduce historical context with last sentence being a thesis statement. LAST sentence of the intro paragraph is the thesis statement which lists the (minimum of) three points (X,Y,Z) that will be more fully developed in the paper.
-2nd paragraph: discuss key point X (this paragraph would have its own thesis as the first sentence, followed by three pieces of evidence/analysis in support),
-3rd paragraph: discuss key point Y (this paragraph would have its own thesis as the first sentence, followed by three pieces of evidence/analysis in support),
-4th paragraph: discuss key point Z (this paragraph would have its own thesis as the first sentence, followed by three pieces of evidence/analysis in support),
-5th paragraph – conclusion which sums up the argument you made and ties X, Y, and Z together.
-Important note: must have solid evidence for each point you raise in the thesis. Evidence is not simply a statement, there must be an explanation of how that evidence supports the thesis statement. You must provide a MINIMUM of THREE pieces of evidence in support of your argument.
Format: double spaced, 12 pt type, 1 inch margins, modified Turabian, use footnotes/citations

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