Accurate assessment of ADHD and ASD in Saudi Arabia “Quantitative and qualitative perspective ”

Accurate assessment of ADHD and ASD in Saudi Arabia “Quantitative and qualitative perspective ”

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1-A title and an introduction to the proposal, identifying the subject for research in terms of theoretical issues and relevant empirical applications;
2-Review of relevant literature and theories relating to proposed research area that shows the understand the major lines of argument that have been developed and the ideas and findings of key researchers working on the topic;
3- An indication of the research methods that will use and the form and location of any empirical work , plan to undertake; where and for how long might collect any relevant data? For example Outline the sources of information might need
Comment on the geographical area in which the study will take place – what are the advantages and disadvantages of this choice?
4- Discuss the subjects of research – individuals? Groups? Companies? And why?
5-An indication on how you envisage research will contribute to debates and discussions in your particular subject area.
6- Will it make an original contribution? How might it fill gaps in existing work or extend understand of particular topics?
7- A bibliography noting the books, articles and websites you have referred to

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