Nigeria oil spill
Nigeria oil spill
Order Description
-this is a part two to a previous assignment
– the first assignment was in regard to the Nigeria oil spill about how the shell corporations affected the country
-in the second part of the assignment I need to come up with a few solutions to the identified problem – the Nigeria oil spill caused by MNC shell
-please read the first initial paper and write a second part on the same format
-part two of the Nigeria oil crisis
-in short please identify the solutions they came up with and whether or not they have been efficient
-then more descriptively come up with your own ideas on what may have done
– say more ideas on what can be done to fix the problems
-please diiscuss what you consider to be the primary polictical economical and or social obstacles standing in the way of a comprehensive resolution to the environmental crisis
-please address the types of structural changes, policies and or strategies that the environmental movement might pursue in order to overcome these obstacles
-you may want to focus on the need for campaign finance reform or a new chemical policy
-adress the implications of the globalization of capital on traditional tactic for achieving environmental protection
-or how to reform a superfund
-please be sure to analyze why the changes that you propose are required as well as why they might be efficient
-please use the added documents in the solutions
-please cite everywhere you get the infor absolutely everything
-please be exact dont use things like they them etc say exactly who where and what happened
-please have a strong clear thesis
-please cite the book document at least once
Habermas – argues that colonization of lifeworld renders a rationalized society politically powerless and culturally indifferent
– late capitalism channels the compensation for alienated labor and political participation through the roles of consumer & client
– the polluter industrial complex is wiedly power over the state apparatus in a number of ways
1. candidate selection process the way business friendly political candidates are supported financially
2. the political appointee process officials aligned with industry are politically appointed to administer key government agencies including those relating to environmental protection
3. policy making process a vast policy making infrastructure favorable to environmentally destructive companies is systematically utilize by both major political parties to rollback ecological protection
4. lobbying process corporate lolbystits beholden to the polluter industrial complex are granted extraordinary influence in the half of government
5. sciences based advising and role making process the corruption of independent scientific investigation of environmental problems by corporate polluters
buying elections supporting candidates opposed to environmentalism and environmental justice
a. high costs of campaigning for political office
b. funding anti – environmental candidates
Sandinista gov: recognized the poverty and started different movements
Revolutionary ecology
1. promote social & environmental justice by solving the ecological burdens somocismo placed on nicaraguas working poor
2. promote national sovereinity and control over the country national resources by establishing a greater autonomy
3. promote a sustainable development dedicated to meeting to the needs of present and future generations by overcoming the free market
4. promote ecological democracy social governance and econ planning where people themselves share the responsabilities
a. regan administration did everything it could to destroy this
the sociology of natural disasters
2 reasons to pressure people:
– to vulnerability
– impact or severity to hazard
1. nature as a cause for disaster
– most natural disasters are socially produces
– on event leads to another
o e.g. global warming -> more storms of greater intensity -> rising sea levels -> more costal flooding -> concept of vulnerability
2. social factors as a cause of discourse
– people reside in vulnerable areas
– social factors and the reconstruction of nature under human direction can magnify the potential impacgt of natural disasters
o power relations are important
– working class + black families face a triple threat from toxic pollution and other environmental gazards in comparison with higher income residents
– exposure to :
o greater pollution of industrial facilities and power plants
o greater concentrations of hazardous waste sites and disposal treatment facilities including landfills incineators and trash transfer stations
o higher rates of on the job exposure to toxic pollutants inside the factory
– recomandations for addressing environmental injustice :
o increase public participation
o minimize risks
o encourage investments
o expand existing brownfields efforts
o promote cleaner development
– environmental movement founded by:
o membership support
o interpret based fundraising
o alternative workplace funds
o wealthy individual donors
o foundations
– the e.j movement one of the most underfunded projects in the us
-1980’s locally organized and isolated organizations and campaigns
1990 formation of regionally based networks and nationally based consitutuency based network out
2000 – present : early effors to create a transnational E.J movement efforts to create a national umbrella movement have failed
the E.j. Movement is concergence of 7 formerly independent social movements
1. the civil rights movement – focused on issues on environmental racism
2. occupational healthy and safety movements
3. indigenous land movements – efforts to protect land
4. environmental health movement
5. community based movements for social and econ justice
6. human rights peace solidarity movements
7. the immigrant rights movements
?? climate justice and green jobs
– the E.J movement is increasingly taking up issues of climate justice green jobs and building a sustainable economy
the postmaterialist perspective
the rise of post industrial society : assumptions
1) decline in trade union based occuptions in favor of aknowledge based service orientated material
2) groth of middle class orientated to port material values (self – actualization/ aesthetic over materialism)
3) greater emphasis on individual lifestyle issues and the environment rather then econ security
4) the poor cannot afford to think about saving the environment only the more affluential have the luxury
problems with postmaterialistic perspective :
ignores the diversity of environmental action
– evidence that is class based and sublateral environmentalism is becoming more prelevant
– studies indicate that the poor in both the us and G.S have stronger balues of environmental protection
– environmentalism of the poor : as a source of a livelihood protecting the environment is a material necessity
framing of environmental justice
“claim makers” interpret identify and label the causes of environmental injustice and offer solutions
3 dominant e.j. frames
1. identity politics solidarity based upon shared cultural characteristics especially race and ethnicity – the source is – cultural oppression
2. radical democratic politics solidarity based upon shared legal – polical rights especially human rights of citizenships source is political domination
3. socialist politics solidarity based upon shared material interests especially class source is exonomic exploitation
problems of identity politics in E.J
-privilages identity politics ( politics of the minority)
– E.J. mov in the G.S oriviledges radical democratic or social politics
– has difficulty building solidarity
new e.j. movement strategies
-international right to know : extend reporting overseas
– cross border organizations
-creating local policies solutions that link to global issues
corporate accountability campaigns target leading corporate actors for bad behavior
– inking human rights and the e.j. movement
promise of the E.J movement
-expand the consitutencies engaged in environmentalism
-broaden and deepend understanding of social environmental impacts
– develop new grassroots organizing strategies and pressure points for policy change
-connect local regional and national global organizing
– build coalitions with other social movements
– bring innovative and comprehensive solutions
future of environmentalism democratice the EM : build social capital, especially democratic social networks
– beware of civil privatism
– -forge a new environmental citizenship
The Superfund
Full name : The comprehensive environmental response compensation and liability act of 1980 (cerla)
– administered by the environmental protection agency
superfund is designed to:
1. protect human health and environment
2. involve communities in the clean-up process
3. hold responsible parties accountable
4. return land to productive use
– companies or other parties who the EPA can identify as the source of contamination at a particular site. They are who the EPA holds financially responsible for the cost of cleaning up the sites
– superfund refers to a series of government investments that can be used by the epa to fund clean up operations if prp cannot be identified (it had raised a lot but by the end of Bush first term it was nearly 0)
– bush did not pursue polluters
– mieney for the fund was initially raised largely through taxes on crude oil and commercial chemical production
Louisville kentuky valley of the Drums filled with toxic wasted
How does a superfund work?
Site discovery process by which the EPA identifies potential siter for listing as superfund locations. Sites can be identified by local state or federal agencies or member of the public
Preliminary assessment and site insection first phase. Involves research by EPA into site it’s contamiants and the likelihood of pollution from those contaminants. Hazards are rated on standard scale
Npl listing process second phase if the hazards risk assemsment conducted in the first phase scores above a certain level the site is listed. The national priorities list contains all sites eligible for the superfund program
Remedial investigation and feasibility study third phase once a site is listen on the npll the epa returns to conduct further research and study the best way to remove the hazards that have been identified
Record of decision fourth phase once further research is completed the epa signs a record of decision the rod specifies the hazards found and the plan the epa has mdae for cleaning the site
Remedy design and action fifth phase . the rod is carried out in two sub phases. Remedial design involves obtaining necessary equipment and planning the clean up process remedial action is the implementation of this process
Npl deletion eight phase once clean up has ended sites are deleted from national priorities list and turned over to public or private entities
Reuse ninth phase. Once clean up has ended sites are deleted from the national priorities list and turned over to public or private entities
Critiques – power elite -> theory discussed by mills focues on how a few elites dominate key aspects of American society political decision making happens if and when they want it to and almost always benefits their interests