Organizational patterns in writing


Watch the following video on organizational patterns in writing.

Review the following article on advances in robotics. Pay special attention to the organizational patterns in the article. Select one organizational pattern and, in a short response or 3-5 sentences, describe the pattern in the article and why it works as an organizational strategy.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Robots compares and contrasts robots according to . Some of the advantages include . Some disadvantages include . Comparing and contrasting works as an organizational style for this topic because .

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Problem-solution pattern: This pattern is used to identify a problem and then provide a solution to the problem. In the article, the problem is identified as the need for robots that are more intelligent and capable. The solution is then presented as the advances that have been made in robotics in recent years.

This pattern works well for this article because it helps to focus the reader’s attention on the main point, which is the advances that have been made in robotics. The problem-solution pattern also helps to make the article more clear and concise.

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Here are some other organizational patterns that could be used in the article:

  • Cause-effect pattern: This pattern is used to identify a cause and then discuss the effects of that cause. For example, the article could discuss the causes of the advances in robotics, such as the development of new technologies and the increasing demand for robots.
  • Comparison-contrast pattern: This pattern is used to compare and contrast two or more things. For example, the article could compare and contrast the different types of robots that are currently available.
  • Chronological order: This pattern is used to present events in the order in which they occurred. For example, the article could discuss the history of robotics, from its early beginnings to the present day.
  • Spatial order: This pattern is used to describe objects or events in terms of their physical location. For example, the article could describe the different components of a robot or the different types of robots that are used in different industries.

The best organizational pattern to use will depend on the specific content of the article and the author’s purpose. However, all of the patterns mentioned above could be used effectively in an article on advances in robotics.

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