Aristotle’s Golden Mean to the dilemma

• Aristotle’s Golden Mean to the dilemma
• Utilitarianism to the dilemma
• Natural Law ethics to the dilemma
Which of those three theories works best ethically speaking? Why that one?
Why do the other two not work or not work as well?
Is it the same as what you said is the most moral thing earlier? Why or why not?
Use the 5 articles from your annotated bibliography to support your answers. (Additional academic scholarly research from the past 5 years can be included as well.)

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Aristotle’s Golden Mean

Aristotle’s Golden Mean is a virtue ethics theory that states that the best way to act is to find the middle ground between two extremes. For example, the virtue of courage is found between the extremes of recklessness and cowardice.

In the case of a dilemma, the Golden Mean would suggest that we find the middle ground between the two options. For example, if we are faced with a dilemma of whether to tell a lie or not, the Golden Mean would suggest that we find a way to tell the truth without causing harm.

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Utilitarianism is a consequentialist ethics theory that states that the right action is the one that produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

In the case of a dilemma, Utilitarianism would suggest that we choose the option that will produce the most happiness or pleasure for the most people. For example, if we are faced with a dilemma of whether to help a friend or a stranger, Utilitarianism would suggest that we help the person who will benefit the most from our help.

Natural Law Ethics

Natural Law Ethics is a deontological ethics theory that states that there are certain moral principles that are inherent in nature and that can be known by reason.

In the case of a dilemma, Natural Law Ethics would suggest that we follow the moral principle that is most applicable to the situation. For example, if we are faced with a dilemma of whether to break a promise or not, Natural Law Ethics would suggest that we follow the moral principle of promise-keeping.

Which of these theories works best ethically speaking?

The best ethical theory to use in a dilemma will depend on the specific circumstances of the dilemma. However, in general, the Golden Mean is often considered to be the most ethical theory because it takes into account both the consequences of our actions and the virtue of moderation.

Utilitarianism can be seen as a more simplistic approach to ethics, as it only considers the consequences of our actions. This can sometimes lead to unethical decisions, such as when we choose to harm a few people in order to benefit the majority.

Natural Law Ethics can be seen as a more rigid approach to ethics, as it relies on a set of moral principles that may not always be applicable to the specific circumstances of a dilemma.

Why do the other two theories not work or not work as well?

As mentioned above, Utilitarianism can sometimes lead to unethical decisions. For example, if we are faced with a dilemma of whether to torture a prisoner in order to extract information that could save the lives of many people, Utilitarianism would suggest that we torture the prisoner, even though this would be a harmful act.

Natural Law Ethics can also be seen as inflexible in some cases. For example, if we are faced with a dilemma of whether to lie to a murderer about the whereabouts of their victim, Natural Law Ethics would suggest that we tell the truth, even though this could lead to the victim’s death.

Is it the same as what you said is the most moral thing earlier? Why or why not?

The most moral thing to do in a dilemma is to act in a way that is both ethical and virtuous. This means finding a way to balance the consequences of our actions with the virtue of moderation. In some cases, this may mean following the Golden Mean, while in other cases it may mean following a different ethical theory.

Ultimately, the best way to decide what to do in a dilemma is to use our reason and our moral compass to find the solution that is most ethical and virtuous.

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