Strategic Management

Strategic Management

see requirement of the Assessment 1: individual written essay carefully and follow it.
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GSBS6060 Strategic Management
This document provides you with an overview of the relevant assessment items for this subject:
Assessment 1: Individual Written Essay
Marks: 20%
Length: 2,000 words (MAXIMUM excl. references)
Do NOT submit this assignment to the Hub. Turnitin is mandatory.
This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. It has been designed to give you an opportunity to earn marks during the earlier part of the trimester. You are asked to write and submit a short, scholarly essay, using an academic essay format, on the following topic:
“Using the Lego case as an example, how does strategic management enable firms to understand, prepare, and adapt to environmental turbulence?”
The purpose of this assignment is to help you gain a deeper understanding of the nature, impact and implications for every organisation of change. You are expected to draw on a minimum of six (6) peer reviewed journal articles (see for a complete list of journal rankings) and other sources (e.g., books; business press articles) as required to underpin your arguments presented in this essay.
1. Undertake wide-ranging reading to ensure that you have a proper grasp of what ‘environmental turbulence’ means. Ensure that your reading enables you to address the issue of what such turbulent environments mean for organisations’ ability to adapt and achieve above-average returns.
2. Evaluate the literature and the research to determine what theories/models enable you to assess and evaluate discontinuous change.
3. Find one additional example of a company in the toy industry that dealt with the change differently than Lego (NOTE: the competitor may also be a new player in the toy/game market).
4. Critically evaluate the literature and the different responses observed from the two companies (see point 5) to identify effective strategic responses to such discontinuous change situations.
5. Consider how CEOs and other key strategy players might practically make appropriate strategic responses to discontinuous changes.
The output of the process is the production of an essay in academic style that fully addresses the issues and answers the question. It is important that you adhere to academic conventions of citation and referencing. Please ensure that your reference list is formatted according to the latest APA guidelines (
1. A brief overview of your key arguments and conclusions (50 words).
2. Introduction to the topic of your essay and what the essay will cover.
3. Body of essay:
? Outline the concept of environmental turbulence and how each dimension of environmental turbulence is concretely manifested in the Lego case;
? Discuss how your chosen Lego competitor is dealing/has dealt with environmental turbulence; Provide concrete examples for each dimension.
? Discuss the key similarities and differences in the way Lego and the chosen competitor have adapted (or not) to the environmental turbulence.
? Identify three environmental changes not mentioned in the case that may affect Lego’s ability to achieve above-average returns over the next few years.
4. Conclusions and implications.
5. References (at least 6 scholarly references formatted in proper APA style).
The forms containing the criteria used to mark this assessment are provided as an appendix to this document.
Some additional points to note for this assessment:
? Remember that it is necessary to explain and/or justify the points that you make, and that unsubstantiated assertions provide no credibility to your discussion or analysis.
? Note: You do not need to summarise the Lego case, but mention the key aspects within your writing where appropriate.
? You are expected to consult academic journals and texts for material to support your discussion in this assignment. At least six (6) of these sources must be used in your discussion and cited correctly within your text and in the References List. These sources should be additional to your prescribed text. Your Reference List should be indicative of the sources you actually cite in presenting this assignment. Please see the NBS Student Manual for additional information on correct forms of citation.
? Dot points should be used very, very sparingly, if at all. Dot points are a communication tool for presenting summary information and rarely progress discussion or argument. Your assessment requires integrated discussion and/or argument, not presentation of summary information.
Note that it is each student’s responsibility to keep a copy of each assessment task submitted.
Assessments 2 and 3: Case Study Presentation & Written Report
In the first two weeks of the class students should introduce themselves to each other, with the intention of forming a group (minimum and maximum size to be advised by lecturer) within the same allocated lecture. Groups must be formed by Week 3; groups cannot be formed with students across different lectures. Groups must be registered by Week 3 by emailing (1) the group members’ names, (2) corresponding student numbers, and (3) chosen case organization to your lecturer.
By submitting this information to your lecturer you (a) confirm that you have familiarized yourself thoroughly with the guidelines and suggestions for group work provided in your NBS student manual, (b) have clarified roles and mutual expectations, if needed in writing, to all group members, (c) will all contribute and interact actively (online and/or offline) to achieve the course and group’s objectives, and (d) will settle any disputes and/or differences of opinions, beliefs, and interpretations respectfully. If you disagree or cannot comply with any of the above-mentioned points you have to provide just cause in writing to your lecturer by the end of week two and s/he will handle your case accordingly.
It is each student’s responsibility to ensure that they have joined a group by Week 3. Please note that NO adjustment to grades will be made on the basis of group size. Further, the earlier you organise yourself, the more likely you are to work effectively as a team. A key consideration is to understand the work ethic and commitments of your group members upfront to ensure that there is a good understanding of when your group is able to schedule meetings and work together. It is your responsibility to manage your groups and to arrange your own meetings. The discussion forums on Blackboard have been shown to be a useful platform and member-only forums may be formed.
The group is required to select a major organisation (in consultation with the lecturer) – public or private, Australian or International – and complete the case study presentation and final report. Your lecturer may advise on specific criteria and other considerations for the case company to be selected.
To provide you with feedback on your ongoing progress on your work, we want you to present your progress on the case study in a comprehensive 10-minute presentation. The presentation content and the information conveyed will be assessed. Each group member MUST present a section and is required to participate in the Q&A session immediately following the presentation. Please note that the individual grade will depend on the individual presentation and on the overall group performance. Further information regarding the presentation will be given later in the trimester.
We recommend that you present 5-7 slides. You are free to choose the content of your slides; however, some indicative layout is suggested as follows:
1. Title: Group Name and Project Title (not included in page count).
2. Situation Analysis.
This should include, for example:
? Which strategy does the organisation follow? Is this generally a strength or weakness?
? What strength and weaknesses does the organisation have?
? Which customer groups exist? How can the market be segmented?
? How are competitors positioned? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
? Which customer, social, technological, and product etc. trends can be identified? What potential impact will they have on future strategy formulation?
3. Preliminary Strategy Recommendations
Based on what you have found in your analyses: What are the key recommendations for change/improvement? For example:
? Which strategic behaviour do you suggest?
? How should the company approach its target market(s)?
? Should the company reposition itself or its product(s)? If yes, how?
? Should the company enter new geographic markets, new product markets, or keep doing business as usual?
NB: The content of the slides must be supported with the use of a reference list (with both academic and trade/industry references) and may also be supported by appendices.
Other Details:
? Your lecturer will decide the order of the presentations.
? You have creative control in deciding the style and look of your pitch (e.g., powerpoint slides). The look and feel of your slides should be professional and not layered with lines and lines of text.
? More details about slide formats will be discussed in lectures.
? Please bring a print-out of your slides to your presentation and submit it via email to your lecturer. Your grade will be based on the content of your presentation.
Do NOT hand in this assignment at the Hub. Turnitin is mandatory. One member only of each group is to submit the assignment to Turnitin but all members of the group are responsible for any incorrect matching text that may result.
Groups are required to write a report analysing and assessing the case company’s strategic position and future, using principles presented in this course. The main criterion for the case study is quality. The maximum length is 3,000 words excluding references and appendices. A summary of your chosen organisation may be included in the appendices.
The form containing the criteria used to mark this assessment will be made available on Blackboard in the Assessment section.
You are free to choose the content of your report; however, some indicative layout is suggested as follows:
1. Title: Group Name and Project Title (not included in page count)
2. Introduction
3. External Analysis
This should include, for example:
? Which customer groups exist? How can the market be segmented?
? How are competitors positioned? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
? Which customer, social, technological and product etc. trends can be identified? What potential impact will they have on future strategy formulation?
4. Internal Analysis
This should include, for example:
? Which strategy does the organisation follow? Is this generally a strength or weakness?
? What strength and weaknesses does the organisation have?
5. Strategy Recommendations
? Which strategy/strategies will help the organisation to gain above-average returns and gain competitive advantage?
? Should the organisation expand into new markets, new countries, etc.?
6. Conclusion
Some additional points to note for this assessment:
? Remember that it is necessary to explain and/or justify the points that you make, and that unsubstantiated assertions provide no credibility to your discussion or analysis. In other words, you need to be able to defend every single statement with evidence of its validity.
? You are expected to consult academic journals and texts for material to support your discussion in this assignment. At least six (6) of these sources should be used in your discussion and cited correctly within your text and in the References List. These sources should be additional to your prescribed text. Your Reference List should be indicative of the sources you actually cite in presenting this assignment. Please see the NBS Student Manual for the correct form of citation.
? The context of this report is the business discipline, not that of a traditional academic essay. You are expected, therefore, to use headings throughout your assessment to help identify its structure and progress.
? Dot points should be used very, very sparingly, if at all. Dot points are a communication tool for presenting summary information and rarely progress discussion or argument. Your assessment requires integrated discussion and/or argument, not presentation of summary information.
Note that it is each student’s responsibility to keep a copy of each assessment task submitted.
Week 2: Thoroughly read the ‘Assignment Brief’ document.
Week 3: Groups must finalise group formation and submit the ‘group registration’ form.
Week 9: Group case presentation
Week 11: Alternative group case presentation
Week 12: Special consulting hours (tbc)
Week 13: Written report submission (via Turnitin)
Assessment 1: Marking Guide Individual Essay
Content of Individual Written Essay (20 marks) HD D C P F
Overview & Introduction (1 marks)
Outline the concept of environmental turbulence and how each dimension of environmental turbulence is concretely manifested in the case (4 marks)
Discuss how your chosen competitor is dealing/has dealt with environmental turbulence; Provide concrete examples for each dimension. (4 marks)
Discuss the key similarities and differences in the way focal company and the chosen competitor have adapted (or not) to the environmental turbulence.
(4 marks)
Identify three environmental changes not mentioned in the case that may affect the company’s ability to achieve above-average returns over the next few years. (3)
Conclusions and implications (2 marks)
Technical/Written aspects of the Essay
(Proper and consistent referencing, proper grammar and syntax,
organisation and style.) (2 marks)
Mark ………………../20%
(Note: HD 99-85%; D 84-75%; C 74-65%; P 64-50%; F 49-0%)
Additional Comments:
Assessment 2: Marking Guide Case Presentation
Content of Presentation & Discussion (20 marks) HD D C P F
Strategic analysis (internal and external)
Demonstrated understanding and sensible application of key concepts and theories.
Thoroughness of substantiation of claims and arguments.
Reasoned clarification/defending of points raised by peers during Q&A.
Professionalism of presentation (e.g., time management and slide layout).
Participation in online and offline discussions as a group
Additional Comments:
Assessment 3: Marking Guide Final Report Introduction The group has nicely set up the report, stating objectives and provides an executive summary of the report. The introduction lacks some detail, for example, imprecise objectives. Too brief and little detail. The reader is left wondering about the objective of the report. /5% HD D C P F
Comments: External Analysis (Customer, Competitor & Industry Analysis) The group identified relevant internal and external factors and has presented a well investigated competitor analysis; market(s) are defined and customers are identified using appropriate segmentation variables. Satisfactory standard, but some elements underdeveloped, and/or no conclusion to the analysis. The analysis as presented is lacking in some key aspects. Too brief. Listed the competitors only, but did not discuss in detail, and/or no conclusion to the analysis. The analysis is lacking a comprehensive summary of relevant customer variables. /30%
Comments: Internal Analysis The group has shown a strong understanding of the organisation, its existing resource base and existing strategies. The analysis as presented is lacking in some key aspects. A clear understanding of the firm’s competitive advantage is not present. Some attempt, but analysis is lacking a comprehensive discussion of internal aspects of the organisation. /30%
Strategy Recommendations The group has used relevant and appropriate theories that serve to ground the presented ideas and suggestions. There is a clear link between the strategic analysis and strategic recommendations. Your strategies are too brief and need to be more practical. There needs to be a more logical flow from the analysis to the strategy recommendations AND/OR Your strategies lack detail. /25%
Comments: Conclusion The conclusion links back to the objectives and provides a clear summary of the report. The conclusion lacks some detail and leaves the reader wondering about future directions. Conclusion is missing or does not provide an adequate summary of the report. /5%
Comments: Overall Presentation & References The presentation of the project is professional. The group has used references where appropriate and has formatted references using Harvard referencing style. The structure of the assignment follows a logical flow. The presentation is satisfactory in terms of structure &/or referencing. Improvements needed in some of those areas. The presentation is generally unprofessional, with a structure that is difficult to follow, and evidence referencing mistakes. /5%
Out of 100%
Out of 20 marks


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