Marketing in Hospitality. Case study: McDonald’s Restaurant

Marketing in Hospitality. Case study: McDonald’s Restaurant

1, learning outcome 2 and answers in questions 1a), 1b) about PEST and SWOT analyses 100%, 1c), 2a), 2b). Every task, for example 1a) in one page, 1b) in second page…
you could put some pictures or tables for pest or swot analyses.
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Edexcel Level 4
BTEC Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business
Assignment Summary:
Assignment front sheet:
Qualification Unit number and title
Pearson BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Hospitality Unit 8: Marketing in Hospitality
Student name Assessor name
Junaid Khurshid
Date issued Completion date Submitted on
03 Feb 2015
Written Assignment – Due 17 March 2015
Role Play – Due 31 March 2015
Presentation – Due 28 April 2015
Assignment title Marketing in Hospitality
In this assessment you will have the opportunity to
present evidence that shows you are able to:
(Page no)
the concepts
of marketing
in a services
1.1 Discuss concepts of marketing for a relevant services
Assess the impact of the marketing environment on
the industry
1.3 Evaluate the relevance of consumer markets in the
1.4 Discuss the rationale for developing different market
LO2 Understand the role of the marketing mix 2.1 Assess the importance of components of the marketing mix to the industry
2.2 Analyse pricing strategies and policies in relation to the industry
LO3 Be able to use the promotional mix 3.1 Evaluate the role of the promotional mix
3.2 Plan an advertising campaign for a services industry operation
3.3 Analyse the role that sales promotion and public relations play in promotional efforts
LO4 Be able to assess the work and development needs of individuals 4.1 Discuss the relevance of market research to services industry operations
4.2 Undertake market research for an appropriate product or service
4.3 Analyse the suitability of different media for marketing an appropriate product or service
4.4 Evaluate the implementation of the marketing plan for an appropriate product or service
Learner declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Student signature: Date:
In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades Grade Descriptor Indicative characteristic/s Contextualisation M1 Identify and find appropriate solutions ? An effective approach to McDonald’s marketing strategy and research has been applied ? An effective approach to study and research has been applied considering the key factors affecting marketing environments for McDonald’s. To achieve M1, In this part of the assignment, learners should review and display clear evidence of innovative approach to argument that is likely to be expected at this level. Focusing on the scenario below on McDonald’s addressing the questions, it should be evident in your writing clearly the core concepts of marketing , marketing environment, consumer markets, market segmentation, ethics and social responsibility including the cost/ benefits, marketing as a business and significance of relationship marketing in the hospitality sector. You should be able to evaluate and judge the role of marketing mix elements, product/ services, place and pricing of McDonald’s within the UK. You should also state your participation in terms of research and information , data collection and analysis, communications and marketing plan innovatively.(Task 1) M2 Select / design and apply appropriate methods / techniques ? Appropriate learning methods/techniques have been applied to examine the main areas specified in the assignment supported by appropriate examples ? Relevant theories and techniques have been evaluated To achieve M2, There should be clear demonstration of good discussion that will display a full understanding of approach to discussion should be apparent in your writing focusing on the concepts of marketing in McDonald’s focusing on their brand standard. Analyse the importance of the role of marketing mix innovatively supported by appropriate examples. (Task 1&2)
M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings ? Communication is appropriate for familiar and unfamiliar audiences and appropriate media have been used. ? Range of sources of information from books, journals, articles, newspaper / data used in making the formal report ? Information/ data used are synthesized and justified supported by relevant examples To achieve M3 For this learning outcome, in this part of the course work there should be clear evidence of understanding and assessing the importance of being able to use Promotional mix for McDonald’s in terms of advertising, campaign, sales promotion and so on via your role play. Good display of originality in analysing the discussion should be evident in your formal presentation. It should be vividly evident in your presentation the marketing cycle in a service industry environment involving McDonald’s. Detailed Marketing plan involving implementation, timescales and costs should be apparent in your presentation. (Task 3&4) D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions ? Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified with the value and importance of Working with and leading people ? Realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success. ? Specific examples of defined leadership/ management criteria in action. ? Self-criticism of approach has taken place ? Familiar and unfamiliar contexts have been used rationally To achieve D1 In this part of the assignment learners should show, explain and demonstrate an argument that is likely to be expected at this stage. Focusing on the scenario above on McDonald’s addressing the questions, it should be evident in your the core concepts of marketing , marketing environment, consumer markets, market segmentation, ethics and social responsibility including the cost/ benefits, marketing as a business and significance of relationship marketing in the hospitality sector. You should be able to justify your participation in terms of research and information, data collection and analysis, communications and marketing plan critically and innovatively. Also state clear evidence of extensive study from various academic resources and demonstration of inventive approach
to discussion should be apparent in your writing in terms of clear demonstration of good discussion that will display a full understanding of approach to discussion should be apparent in your writing focusing on the concepts of marketing in McDonald’s focusing on their brand standard. Also, the importance of the role of marketing mix involving products, services, place and pricing should be addressed innovatively supported by appropriate examples (Tasks 1 & 2) D2 Take responsibility for managing and organising activities ? Activities have been manage to a high standard ? Autonomy/independent thought and analysis has been demonstrated ? Substantial activities or investigations have been planned, managed and organised ? The unforeseen has been accommodated ? The main areas specified in the assignment have been critically analysed in terms of theory and practical application supported by appropriate examples To achieve D2 In this part of the course work there should be clear evidence of extensive study from various academic resources and demonstration of understanding of importance and being able to use Promotional mix for McDonald’s in terms of advertising, campaign, sales promotion and so on via your role play. Evaluate and display of originality in your discussion should be evident in your role play and formal presentation. It should be evident in your presentation the marketing cycle in a service industry environment involving McDonald’s supported by appropriate examples. Brilliantly executed detailed Marketing plan involving implementation, timescales and costs should be apparent in your presentation. (Tasks 3&4) D3 Demonstrate convergent /lateral / creative thinking
Assignment brief Unit number and title Unit 8: Marketing in Hospitality Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Hospitality Start date 03 February 2015 Deadline/hand-in Written Assignment Deadline 17th March 2015 Assessor Junaid Khurshid
Assignment title Marketing in Hospitality Purpose of this assignment Learners will be able to explore their understanding on the key concepts and functions of marketing as they apply to services industries, including hospitality, travel, tourism, sports, leisure and recreation. It will also allow the learners to apply their knowledge and understanding of the key factors affecting marketing environments, and investigate the role of marketing in different sectors of service industries. Learners will also be investigating marketing in the context of one of today’s competitive service industries. Scenario For this assignment, learners are provided with a freedom to assess the discussion in a form of report from secondary sources like books, journals, articles and so on based on a situation below. You will be investigating marketing in the context of MCDONALD’S which is the leading budget hotel brand in the UK and is recognised today as a top employer and for its superior business operations. McDonald’s has used internet marketing to its full effect, creating an advantage over competitors.
Case Study: McDonald’s Restaurant Staying ahead in a competitive environment For any business, becoming and staying the market leader is a huge task, even for household names such as McDonald’s. Keeping ahead involves continuous hard work to enhance the reputation of the brand, coupled with product innovation based on detailed market research that indicates how to please customers. McDonald’s has built its success around a formula of providing a range of standardised high quality products quickly and cheaply. The McDonald’s concept was originally developed in the USA, but is truly global with over 25,000 restaurants in more than 114 countries. Today, many people live busy lives and place great importance on convenience when buying and paying for goods and services. They are attracted by modern, quick service products such as drive-in car washes, mobile phones and ready meals. For many people (though not all), this emphasis on instant service is a winning formula, particularly for younger people and young families. However, research indicates that modern consumers of all ages are seeking experiences that are more individualised than in the past. McDonald’s is developing new concepts and products that provide a more personal experience while still giving excellent value for money. This case study examines the positive way in which McDonald’s is responding to changing customer habits and increased levels of competition. For businesses to understand adequately the nature of the competition they face, they must define their market accurately. This involves recognising a broad base of competitors. McDonald’s has thousands of competitors, each seeking a share of the market. McDonald’s recognises that it is up against not only other large burger and chicken chains but also independently owned fish and chips shops and other eat-in or take-out establishments. A company like McDonald’s therefore, has to develop competitive strategies that differentiate it from its rivals. All organisations need to be in touch with their business environment in order to make sure that what they do fits with customer expectations. These expectations change over time. Moreover, the IEO market in which McDonald’s operates is becoming increasingly competitive. Recently, in this crowded market place, McDonald’s competitive lead came under pressure largely because many fast food outlets have either: ? copied the trail-blazing ideas that previously set McDonald’s apart and put it ahead of the field ? promoted new ideas of their own e.g. urban supermarkets and petrol stations that sell convenient, portable mealtime replacements. McDonald’s recognises the need to respond. It is looking to increase the competitive gap by: ? adding greater value through innovation
? making the process of visiting a McDonald’s less routine and controlled ? enhancing the overall in-house experience. Over time, consumers’ tastes evolve in response to changing fashions and greater awareness of alternative lifestyles. Businesses need to monitor these changes and, whenever possible, anticipate them. In terms of the product life cycle, quick service restaurants have reached maturity in the UK and need an injection of fresh life through innovative ideas if their lifespan is to be prolonged. Market research reveals that snacking is an increasingly important trend and is particularly popular amongst teenagers and young people. However, the total number of meals eaten in the non-quick service restaurant sector has risen while meals eaten in the Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) sector have fallen in total. The convenience meal market is now worth over £800 million, with over 60growth since 1996. The causes of this shift in tastes are not yet completely clear. Rising incomes allow people more opportunities to turn eating out into a more individualised experience rather than a routine ‘quick fix’. At the same time, when it comes to informal eating out, people may be moving away from burgers and fries towards other meals that are promoted as ‘the healthy option’ e.g. sandwiches and salads.
Organic food is rising in importance and is forecast to account for 20 of all supermarket food purchases by 2010. Chicken continues to increase in importance, as white meat is perceived to be healthier and safer than red meat. At the same time the traditional mealtimes of breakfast and lunch are becoming less significant and arrangements for the main meal of the day need to be increasingly flexible to accommodate changing consumer lifestyles. McDonald’s is looking to provide appropriate solutions to these changing trends. In particular: ? consumers are seeking more food variety and healthier eating – McDonald’s is providing a more balanced offering that includes fruit, sugar-free fruit drinks for children and more chicken products ? price is becoming more critical to decision-making – McDonald’s has created an Extra Value Meal and a McChoice menu offering a flexible combination of drinks, sandwiches etc in addition to the meal, thereby providing excellent value for money. As the market leader and as a pioneer of the Quick Service Restaurant concept, McDonald’s has to respond to a changing business environment. It is well placed to do so. It has listened to its customers, and also observed them. Based on its research, it has launched new products and designed to
complement and extend what it already offers and to keep the company ‘ahead of the game’ in an increasingly competitive market place. Hence, focusing on the above set up, please answer the following questions as stated above in a form of report.
Learning Outcome
Mode of Assessment
Learning Outcome 1
Understand the concepts of marketing in a services industry context
1a) Review and display a clear understanding in relation to the concepts of marketing for McDonald’s in terms of supporting the organisations’ brand standard. (AC 1.1)
1b) Assess the effect which the marketing environment has based on McDonald’s marketing strategy and demonstrate good discussion of how McDonald’s market share is controlled within this industry. (AC 1.2)
1c) Review the importance of the consumer markets and state clear evidence on the significance for McDonald’s in maintaining a lead in the Fast food industry. (AC 1.3 and 1.4)
Written Assignment in a report format
Deadline 17th March 2015
Learning Outcome 2
Understand the role of the marketing mix
2a) Analyse the importance of elements of the marketing mix to McDonald’s supported by applicable examples. (AC 2.1)
2b) Compare and Contrast different pricing strategies and evaluate the types which McDonald’s uses here in the UK supported by appropriate examples.
( AC 2.2)
Learning outcome 3
Be able to use the promotional mix
3a) Assess the importance of the promotional mix for McDonald’s and create a plan including an advertising campaign for McDonald’s supported by relevant examples.
(AC 3.1 and 3.2)
Role play needs to be delivered in the form of group using appropriate media
Deadline on 31st March 2015
3b) Examine what role sales promotion and public relations have towards McDonald’s throughout their promotional efforts. Display originality.
(AC 3.3)
In this part in a form of a group of four to five, one of you will take a responsibility of talking about the overall scenario of the role play by focusing on promotional mix like advertisement, PR, sales and so on. You will introduce who will be enacting each of the roles and briefly explain the plan.
While, one of you are required to be a PR for McDonald’s and the other two or three of you will be concentrating on advertising and sales promotions for McDonald’s by creating appropriate strategies for advertisement and you will be demonstrating how you will be carrying out.
Once, this is done one will act as an observer and provide feedback on each of the role enacted.
The whole process needs to be recorded by a video device and shown to the class within a span of 5 to 10 minutes
You are also required to hand in any notes or materials you have used during the preparation of your role play.
Learning outcome 4
Understand the marketing cycle in a services industry environment
4a) Discuss the relevance of market research and undertake it involving McDonald’s in terms of new and existing products and quality as an influence on customer perceptions supported by appropriate examples. (AC 4.1and 4.2)
4b) Outline the different types of media for marketing a product/service which you recommend for McDonalds, displaying originality. (AC 4.2 and 4.3)
4c) Summarise the implementation of a marketing plan for the product/service which you
Presentation needs to be delivered by a group via power point presentation using appropriate media
Deadline on 28th April 2015
recommended for McDonald’s considering factors such as costs, timescales and evaluation.
( AC 4.4)
You are also required to hand in any notes or materials you have used during the preparation of your presentation.
Evidence checklist Summary of evidence required by student Evidence presented Task 1 As stated earlier in a form of report in a sequence you should be able to prepare 1.1 discuss concepts of marketing for a relevant services industry 1.2 assess the impact of the marketing environment on the industry 1.3 evaluate the relevance of consumer markets in the industry 1.4 discuss the rationale for developing different market segments Task 2 Similarly, in a sequence as expected in a form of report 2.1 assess the importance of components of the marketing mix to the industry 2.2 analyse pricing strategies and policies in relation to the Industry Task 3 Consequently, considering the above sequence you will be carrying out a role paly using appropriate media to audience 3.1 evaluate the role of the promotional mix 3.2 plan an advertising campaign for a services industry operation 3.3 analyse the role that sales promotion and public relations play in promotional efforts
Task 4 A presentation using appropriate media should be carried out to audience which should include 4.1discuss the relevance of market research to services industry operations 4.2 undertake market research for an appropriate product or service 4.3 analyse the suitability of different media for marketing an appropriate product or service 4.4 evaluate the implem
Submission Guidelines:
Your submission should be in a report format. 2000 words for individual assignment.
Excellent Formatting:
? Preferred writing styles Arial, Verdana, and Times New Roman
? Line spacing 1.5, Font Size 12
? Consistency in Heading Scheme, bullets and numbering
? Consistency in top, bottom and left, right margins
? Alphabetical Harvard referencing and bibliography
Report Structure
? Cover
? Title Page
? Contents page.
? Acknowledgement (optional)
? Abstract/Executive Summary
? Main Body (Tasks)
? Conclusion.
? References (including weblioreferencing)
? Bibliography (including webliography)
? Appendices
*For Late Submission policy, please refer to your student course handbook available on Live Campus.
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