Transition into Professional Practice

Transition into Professional Practice

Order Description

Module Aim
The aim of this module is to develop the students’ understanding of the complexities of professional nursing practice and facilitate transition to becoming a confident registered nurse.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module students should be able to:
1. Analyse and apply the concepts of competence and accountability to own and others practice, considering the legal, ethical and professional issues.
2. Evaluate the processes involved in the transition to registered practitioner, development of future professional practice and life-long learning.
3. Contribute to the development of competency of others through effective use of professional and personal development skills and positive role modelling.

You could start by considering the nature of accountability.
1. Consider the evidence that you submitted in your year 1, year 2 and year 3 OAR for domain 1 (Professional and Ethical Practice). Think about how this changed in the light of your changing responsibility and accountability.

2. Compare the evidence, does it demonstrate growth and development?

3. Look at this in relation to the performance levels required of you in each year and in particular at the end of this year. What significant changes will occur with registration?
This section should be 1700 words

4. Present a learning needs analysis and an action plan designed to meet your needs. Please use the template provided. This should be 800 words (equivalent) and be an in depth exploration of 1 or 2 learning needs. Please make sure you are using SMART goals and that your actions are measurable, you may also wish to consider how your learning will benefit patient care.

Indicative Module Content
This module will build on the learning and understanding developed through the modules Leadership for Professional Practice and Delivering Safe Effective Care 1 and 2. There will be a focus on the development of self awareness and the impact and influence of behaviour on others using a personal development planning approach. The concepts of emotional intelligence, shared beliefs, values and governance will be discussed, in relation to the development of the student as a nurse with leadership responsibilities. The importance of recognising behaviours in others that may influence the quality of patient care will be explored along with the consideration of strategies that can be employed to reduce the impact on patient care. Frameworks to support the development and assessment of competency of others will be explored. The module will provide students with opportunities to develop their own strategies to ensure the safety of patients through careful consideration of professional accountability taking account of legal, ethical, moral and societal perspectives. Students will be invited to debate the issues of confidence versus competence of the newly qualified nurse.

Indicative Assessment
1. A critical reflection on development during the Programme in relation to changing accountability, to include legal, ethical and professional issues and how this development will be maintained through transition into a registered nurse.

Indicative Resources

Temple, J. (2012) Becoming a Registered Nurse. Making the Transition to Practice (Transforming Nursing Practice Series) due for release July.

Burton, R, Ormrod, G. (Ed) (2011) Nursing: Transition to Professional Practice. Oxford: OU Press.

Jasper, M. (2006) Professional development, reflection and decision making. Oxford: Blackwell

Clark, T. and Holmes, S. (2007) ‘Fit for Practice? An exploration of the development of newly qualified nurses using focus groups’ International Journal of Nursing Studies 44, pp.1210-1220

Dimond, B. (2008) Legal aspects of nursing. 5th edn. Harlow: Pearson Education

Standing, M. (Ed) (2010) Clinical Judgement and Decision Making in Nursing and Interprofessional Health Care. Berkshire: OU Press.

Billett, S & Henderson, A. (Ed) (2010) Developing Learning Professionals: Integrating Experiences in University and Practice Settings (Professional and Practice-based Learning). Queensland: Springer.

Lauder, W., Watson, R., Topping, K., Holland, K., Johnson, M., Porter, M., Roxburgh, M. and Behr, A. (2008) ‘An evaluation of fitness for practice curricula: self-efficacy, support and self-reported competence in preregistration student nurses and midwives’ Journal of Clinical Nursing 17 pp. 1858-1867

Robinson, S. and Griffiths, P. (2009) Scoping review Preceptorship for newly qualified nurses: impacts, facilitators and constraints National Nursing Research Unit King’s College London Available at:

Roberts, D. and Johnson, M. (2009) Editorial ‘Newly qualified nurses: Competence or confidence?’ Nurse Education Today 29 (5) 467-468

British Journal of Nursing
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Journal of Clinical Nursing
Nurse Education Today
Nurse Education in Practice
Nursing Times
Nursing Standard

Burdett Trust for Nursing
Department of Health
Care Quality Commission
Foundation of Nursing Studies
Kings Fund
National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence
Nursing & Midwifery Council
Patients Association
Royal College of Nursing
Social Care Institute for Excellence
The Foundation of Nursing Leadership


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