
Adult Obesity

The purpose of this assignment is to:

a) identify and reflect upon key concepts related to your planning a policymaker visit ?
b) provide empirical evidence to support new insights gained regarding your policy issue and the policymaking process,
c) present ideas in a clear, succinct, and scholarly manner.

1) Analyze the historical, ethical, and political contexts of healthcare policy and the consequences of policy implementation. (PO 4,5,6)
2) Analyze application of theories to the development of policies that affect nursing and health care. (PO 1,7)
3) Communicate with policymakers to advocate for effective policies that affect nurses and nursing, consumers, or the health care system. (PO#3,7)
4) Investigate the interrelationship between policy decisions and evidence-based practice. (PO#9)

1. Introduction to your Policy Priority Issue.
2. Articulate key points under each of the Formulating a Health Care Policy Ungraded Worksheet #1 sections using headings in your paper.
3. Provide a critique of empirical evidence which supports your chosen policy issue and analysis.
4. Demonstrate the importance and impact of the chosen policy issue to nursing.
5. Concluding statements summarize content.

After completing Formulating a Health Care Policy Ungraded Worksheet #1, address all areas on the worksheet in the body of a scholarly paper. Include a minimum of five (5) classic or current references published within the past 5 years.1. Describe a public health policy issue with which you have personal and/or professional experience, and about which you are interested, familiar, and passionate. Why is this issue of particular interest/importance to you and to the profession of nursing?

A specific public health policy issue that I am quite familiar with, very passionate about I have personal experience with is adult obesity. This public health policy is important to me because is because it is one that hits close to home, San Diego, California, it is a struggle for myself, my family, those close and dear to me, an as well the profession of nursing.

2. What is the specific problem, including background, surrounding this issue? Is there a need for a new law or campaign related to this issue? Is there a need for change to an existing law? Is there need for a change in regulatory issues? What specific supportive evidence do you have for this issue including evidence and references? You will need to include this in your message/ask/recommendation(s).

?The percentage of obese people in San Diego County continues to increase and the number of hospitalizations because of diabetes also continues to escalate,? (New Leading cause of Death in County, 2009). Due to the vast diversity of San Diego County a new campaign for diversity of cultures in community support services, education and prevention needs to be available in other languages that can help the target population and their families and be made suitable to address the needs of the widespread ethnic diversities of the community as well. Providing resources and literature in ones native language and addressing their special cultural needs would better reach the ethnically diverse communities in San Diego County in the prevention of obesity.

3. Review thoughts regarding your chosen policy issue. It is important to analyze your issue thoroughly. Be sure you address the following with evidence and research:
? Context
? Goals/options
? Evaluation of options
? Recommended solutions

4. How can you find out the current status of this issue? Is there a website (professional organization such as American Nurses Association, local, state, federal government) that provides status updates or alerts? Please describe.

Healthy Works services and programs are available to all individuals and their families in the community. From Adults from ages 18 and older to the Childhood Obesity Initiative. The program engages San Diego County residents, businesses and community leaders in systems and environmental approaches such as farmers? markets, community gardens, bike-to-school and work programs, school exercise and nutrition programs, and changes involving land use and transportation.

5. What level(s) of government does your issue involve (local, state, federal)? What level of government is your immediate target?

As identified in the paper, The Obesity Epidemic in San Diego County, this intervention and resource for the San Diego Community is essential in reducing the epidemic of obesity, providing the population with the program will only help the people of the community of San Diego. In March of 2010, the program is federally funded by $372 million awarded to communities for public health efforts to combat and decrease obesity; notably, the County of San Diego received the largest grant in the nation for obesity prevention in the amount of $16 million, funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to address the obesity epidemic, viewed as a nationwide public health emergency. Administered by the County of San Diego, San Diego Association of Governments, San Diego Office of Education, Community of Health Improvement Partners and San Diego State University, Along with numerous communities, governmental and educational organizations to establish environmental and systems strategies designed to improve health and wellness, which supports the County?s health Strategy Agenda to create a healthy, safe, and thriving San Diego County,?(San Diego County, 2010). The target would be San Diego Local government .


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