Health Concerns

Health Concerns

Order Description

• The Rich and Rest of Us (Smiley & West, 2012), Chapter 6
• Murali, V., & Oyebode, F. (2004). Poverty, social inequality and mental health
• Children and the long-term effects of poverty (Connecticut Commission on Children, 2004)
• Health Facts from
• U.S. stands out as a rich country where a growing minority say they can’t afford food (Stoke (2013) from the Pew Research Center)
• A Place at the Table: (you will need to acquire the movie using your own means. Places to look are YouTube, ITunes, Amazon, Your local library)
Sadly, poverty effects one’s physical and mental health. Current statistics cite those in poverty as most at risk of health problems. Young children often suffer lead poisoning. Dangerous environments place children of any age at risk of injury. Lack of adequate nutrition and preventative health care cause ongoing bouts with illness and disease. Families at risk, struggling with today’s social problems (including educational failure, teen pregnancy, single parenting, unemployment, inadequate housing, homelessness, substance abuse, and AIDS) exist in every town and city in America. These families can be members of any ethnic group, at high as well as low socioeconomic levels. Individual victims of these at risk situations can be any age, from infants to the elderly: preschool victims of abuse, adolescents dropping out of school, adults dependent on drugs or drug dealing, or older persons slowly dying of malnutrition. (Slinski, 1994, Cooperative Extension University of Massachusetts).
Assignment Instructions
1. Read Murali, V., & Oyebode, F. (2004). Poverty, social inequality and mental health/. Here is the HTML version in case you cannot download the PDF:

2. Answer the 20 true and false questions at the end of the article (I know the article says they are multiple choice, but they are actually T&F).
a. Report on your score.
b. As the article by Murali & Oyebode and the fact sheet from the “Children and the long-term effects of poverty” (Connecticut Commission on Children 2004) and the “Health Facts” from Measure of America demonstrated, poverty has multiple effects on children. What were your feelings on these findings and facts?
c. Which one shocked you the most?

3. Rent or download the movie “A Place at the Table” (you will need to acquire the movie using your own means. Places to look are YouTube, ITunes, Amazon, Your local library)

. a. Choose ONE of the case studies from the movie and discuss 3 of the barriers the family faces in providing proper nutrition? For example:
o Cost of food
o Lack of fresh fruit and vegetables in the inner cities
o Poor quality meals
o Junk-food advertising
o Working instead of breastfeeding
o Food allergies
o Depression
o Concerns about immigration status
o Cultural and racial issues
o Lack of English skills
o Lack of extra food after illness
o Employers not giving leave for parents to care for sick children
o Poor housing conditions
o Welfare bureaucracy

b. What would you cut back on if you were forced to choose between feeding your family and another important element (ie. rent or utility bill)?

4. Read: Key Findings from the Hunger In America 2014 Report from Feeding America
Key Findings:
(a) Pick at least 3 statistics from the Feeding America report that really stand out to you and explain why they resonate with you.
(b) What solutions would you offer to end hunger in America?
Additional Resources:
“A Place at the Table” discussion by the directors with Bill Moyers
Full Show: The Faces of America’s Hungry
June 28, 2013’s-hungry/

National Geographic did a feature about “The New Face of Hunger” showing how hunger can strike anywhere in our country.

Great article, photos, graphs and videos:
Here’s How to Make a $4-a-Day Food Budget Taste Delicious
Sen. Murphy (D-CT) Living on Food Stamps for a week
Evaluation Criteria
• Your posting should demonstrate an understanding and application of the reading materials.
• Since this is a 400 level course I would expect to see you refer to and cite the required readings to support each of your answers in this post.
• Your post must be at least 500 words long (though you can include them, I do not count restating the directions into the word count.
• Restrictions on the length are intended to help you write more concisely, and to help facilitate the discussion.
• Each source you list in your post must appear in your reference page, likewise, each source listed in your reference page must appear in your post.
Additional Resources:
• How We Punish People for Being Poor by Rebecca Vallas Posted on October 7, 2014

How We Punish People for Being Poor

• SNAP (Food Stamps): Facts, Myths and Realities
• “A Place at the Table” discussion by the directors with Bill Moyers
Full Show: The Faces of America’s Hungry
June 28, 2013’s-hungry/
• SNAP facts video:
• Poverty dramatically affects children’s brains
“A new study finds that certain brain functions of some low-income 9- and 10-year-olds pale in comparison with those of wealthy children and that the difference is almost equivalent to the damage from a stroke.”
• NPR Report: Poverty & Mental Health, October 15, 2003
• America’s ‘food deserts’
More than 23 million Americans live at least a mile from the nearest supermarket. Is that what’s making us fat?
By The Week Staff | August 12, 2011
• Great calculator to use on your upcoming term paper on Menu Planning:
How much do people really spend on food? How does your food spending stack up against other people’s spending? And, could YOU and your family make it on food stamps? Use this handy calculator from Mother Jones to see for yourself.


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