three arguments in support of the existence of God: the Ontological argument, the Cosmological Argument, and the Teleological Argument. Explain these three competing arguments asthey are provided by the authors included in our course readings

three arguments in support of the existence of God: the Ontological argument, the Cosmological Argument, and the Teleological Argument. Explain these three competing

arguments asthey are provided by the authors included in our course readings. Which argument offers the most
plausible justification for the existence of God? Explain why./Explain the logical problem of evil as provided by the authors included in our course readings. Provide
what you consider to be the best response to the logical problem of evil.

Explain why it is the best response

This assignment consists of two short essay questions. The main intent of these
questions is to ensure that you have a sound grasp of the fundamentals of the material presented in this
unit. To that end, there is a 3
to 4 page (1000 words) limit for this question. I’m not so concerned with
whether you agree with a particular author or not. The quality of your answer is based on your exposition
of the competing positions, your comparative analysis of those positions and
, lastly, your argument in
support of the position you defend.
As with all the assignments in this course, these questions are not designed to be a “research” questions.
There is no requirement to get material from external sources such as websites like
In fact,
doing so can count against you. The point of your essays is to formulate the course material and develop
your critical response. Yo
u can do this by working with
the course material and developing your own
ideas about the issue. The essay
is simply your opportunity to set that out in paper.
So, the material you need to successfully complete this assignment can be found in the online course
materials available through the course website. There may also be some reading material that is part o
the hard copy course readings package. You can find this information on the course materials section of
course website.

Questions: (The total possible mark for this assignment is 100 marks.)
1. Consider the three arguments in support of the existenc
e of God: the Ontological argument, the
Cosmological Argument, and the Teleological Argument. Explain these three competing arguments as
they are provided by the authors included in our course readings. Which argument offers the most
plausible justificatio
n for the existence of God? Explain why.
(70 marks.)
Explain the logical problem of evil as provided by the authors included in our course readings. Provide
what you consider to be the best response to the logical problem of evil. Explain why it is the
(30 marks.)


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