Selection and Problem Statement

After reading the article by Ellis and Levy, use the template on page 28 of Research Design by John Creswell
(the table is attached to this as a file) to construct a problem statement that relates to a topic you would like to
research. If you have a topic in mind for your dissertation research and you want to pursue that, then you
should do that. If you do not yet have a topic for your dissertation research, then you should pick something
that you can retain your interest for the next eight weeks that will give you some practice and insight for your
own research.
You will notice that the template calls for three current, peer-reviewed references in each of the three main
categories (9 peer-reviewed references). I think this is excessive for this assignment and will allow some
overlap. If one of the articles is appropriate in all three sections, then you may list it three times.
In addition, you should consider how your topic choice advances the public interest (ASPA Code of Ethics) as
well as the Christian imperative to be salt and light in the world.
Your citations and reference list should be complete and follow the APA formatting guidelines.
Meets all assignment requirements and evidences attention to detail.
-Main points are well developed and reveal a high degree of critical thinking.
-Clear, concise and well written with flawless spelling/grammar and flawless formatting (APA).
-Assignment requirements are informed by a Christian perspective that clearly addresses the ethical and moral
value obligations of scholarly and applied public research.

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