Evaluating a Sports Facility

The major project for this course focuses on evaluating an existing facility. Students are required to select one
facility of their choice to evaluate. They can include stadiums, arenas, gyms/fitness centers, community sports
centers, health promotion companies, etc. It is encouraged that students select a facility in which they are truly
interested in learning more about. Students must physically visit the facility and make an appointment to
interview the owner, manager, etc.
Each student will conduct a SWOT analysis by analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
of each facility. This will be completed in two parts. One part refers to the student’s personal observation of the
facility. The second part refers to the student interviewing an individual at the facility (owner, manager, etc.).
Examine the facility location and size, the strengths and weaknesses, user needs and fulfillment, costs of the
facility, facility design, amenities offered and methods of hiring staff. Students may include additional
components as needed.
Students must submit at least a 4 page paper, double spaced, evaluating these components. Students should
also provide their overall reaction to this process of facility evaluation. Included should be the list of detailed
interview questions and two pictures of the facility. Please note the pictures do not count towards paper length.
If outside references were utilized, proper citation per APA needs to be provided.

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