Morality; Berk vs Boyd

Compare Boyd and my general approach (1st paragraph), consider an objection to that approach from Berker (2nd paragraph), and refute that objection in defense of Boyd and my general approach (3rd paragraph).
Not sure what he means by “my general approach” so just explain Boyd’s approach in the first paragraph. I’ve attached all lecture notes if it helps you determine what the general approach is- go for it.
Assignment is for 900 words so I just need you to focus the writing on the body (the three paragraphs listed above) and the thesis statement. I can add the intro and conclusion myself to get my word count. Doesn’t need to be perfect but I barely got through the first 2 assignments and I’m completely lost with this one. No references needed but 0 is not an option. You can include one if you want or if you quote something not in the notes. references don’t need to be formatted. A link works for me.

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