The relationship between guns, street gangs, and drug trafficking organizations

1 What makes a “”prison gang”” different from a street gang or a disruptive group? Discuss how/why the Mexican Mafia emerged as the first U.S. prison gang and how they have evolved since the 1960’s. Who are La Eme’s main allies and rivals? Finally, what is the relationship between La Eme and the Sureños, and what influence does the Mexican Mafia continue to exert today? .

2  What is the relationship between guns, street gangs, and drug trafficking organizations? Why do you think guns are such a significant part of the gang culture? What value does a gun have for a gang member? Explain why and how violence can change a person, from all three of the perspectives: victim, witness, and perpetrator. 

3 Why is corruption so important for gangs and cartels? What unique problems do corrupt law enforcement officials pose? Why is corruption more severe in Mexico than in the U.S.? How would/could you control corruption within a law enforcement agency or government when billions of dollars are available? Discuss the impact of corruption on the U.S. side of border.

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