Analytical Tasks Assignment (Analysis)


The Analytical Tasks Assignment is an individual assignment where you will need to pick one of the top engineering characteristics, design components, or design decisions to justify mathematically the viability of your project. Depending on your project, this could include computational modeling or analyses. You may have already completed some of this work (depending on your project and where your team is in your process), but everyone is required to do this assignment by the due date.

This Progress Report should answer questions such as (but not limited to):
 Why did you make this component long, or short?
 Why is this material used?
 Why did you pick this location or resource?
 Why did you choose XYZ?
 What is the factor of safety for this particular component?

This Progress Report must include:  An introduction to the problem in question o How does your project relate to a specific contemporary issue? State the specific contemporary issue and how your project works towards solving that issue.  Assumptions that drive the calculations o Define any and all variables used o Annotate (describe) equations used  Details of the physical modeling, as appropriate  Schematics and/or diagrams of the project/design  Equations or flow chart of program (don’t show all calcs, please) o Nothing handwritten will be accepted  Referenced sources that equations came from (IEEE style)  Models (such as CAD) should have detailed drawings/layouts at the top level of the design project and attached to memo as a pdf (though more detail, as required, will be needed by the end of the semester)  The result and how that influenced your project

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