IS AUSTRALIA CAPABLE OF RESPONDING TO THIS PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEM? Mental health issues in newly arrived migrants
Topic: IS AUSTRALIA CAPABLE OF RESPONDING TO THIS PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEM? Mental health issues in newly arrived migrants
Order Description
Wellbeing and Prevention in Health
IS AUSTRALIA CAPABLE OF RESPONDING TO THIS PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEM? Mental health issues in newly arrived migrants
Due dates: 20th May 2016
Written report (1500 words excluding Bibliography)
Format :
1. Report format with pages numbered and sub-headings signposting sections of your report
2. Times Roman font, 12 point, 1.5 line spacing
3. Referencing style: APA6 only
The scenario for this exercise “Mental health issues in newly arrived migrants”
The Minister for Health has become aware of an emerging problem “Mental health issues in newly arrived migrants” with implications for the health and wellbeing of this particular population group in Australia.
You will submit an individual written report that presents your own interpretation of these findings.
Is Australia capable of responding successfully to this problem?
The report must provide adequate information to show how you reached its conclusions. The following aspects should be succinctly covered:
• the nature of the problem, its determinants (proximal and distal), how it emerged and over what time period
• population ‘at risk’ or affected by the problem and relevant characteristics of this population
• what we are trying to achieve by addressing the problem
• currently used approaches – if any – that appear to be addressing this problem or this type of problem effectively
• the adequacy of the system underpinning planning and action:
– leadership to address the problem
– strengths and weaknesses of the knowledge/evidence base available to guide action
– structures (cross-sector arrangements, institutions, organisations) through which action to address the problem could be organized and implemented
• the role of the public in addressing the problem and what capabilities they might need
• strategies that might be considered in successfully responding to the problem
• how action on this problem might make a positive or negative impact on other problems.
The written assignment is short, so to ensure you cover all information required and demonstrate the depth of your investigation, you need to write succinctly but reference your piece of work richly.
You must properly acknowledge all sources of data, information, examples and ideas in all written work.
Writer provides a response to each aspect that is properly interpreted, clearly described and well justified using references from the peer reviewed literature:
• the nature of the problem and its determinants – 8
• populations ‘at risk’ or affected by the problem – 8
• currently used approaches – if any – that appear to be addressing the issue effectively – 8
• strengths and weaknesses of the knowledge base available to guide action – 8
• institutions through which action could be organized and implemented – 8
• knowledge, institutions and strategies that might be needed to bring about a successful response to the issue – 8
• how action on this issue might affect other issues – 8
• Writer has selected and effectively used appropriate and authoritative sources of information and evidence -10
• Writer has selected and effectively used relevant information and facts to support their analysis and conclusions -10
• In their own words, writer has presented and fully justified their team’s assessment of whether Australia is capable of responding successfully to this issue and reflected on their own assessment (which might differ from the team’s assessment.) – 8
• Justification includes reference to the public health system – its workforce, resources, body of information/knowledge/evidence, delivery mechanisms, political will and leadership and so on – 8
Structure, format and presentation: – 8
• Writer uses appropriate report style and layout
• Writer presents information, analysis and conclusions in a clear and logical manner, uses high quality expression
• Technical terms or jargon are briefly defined
• Writer uses precise spelling and grammar
• Writer uses an appropriate referencing style; in-text referencing and reference list are accurate and complete