review task

Topic: review task
Order Description
Assessment Overview
The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of the value of peer review and your role as reader in the writing process. To do this, you will first review your partner’s new paragraph from the Paragraph Task and offer constructive feedback for revision (Note: You are reviewing their new paragraph, not their research paragraph or their reflection).
In reviewing your partner’s paragraph, you should consider the following with regards to their chosen rhetorical situation for the new paragraph:
• Paragraph type and structure
• Sentence variety, order, and structure
• Use of rhetorical appeals
• Incorporation of research
• Grammar and punctuation
• Tone and voice
• Word choice, including use of jargon and definitions
• Flow and transition
You will then reflect on the peer review process, including:
• How your application of style and method considers the rhetorical situation of a peer review
• The strategies, techniques, and/or resources you have used to provide feedback to your partner
• Your experience with the peer review process
Assessment Criteria
The Review Task assignment will be assessed according to the following criteria:
• Peer review with coherent and concise paragraphs and stylistically elegant sentences
• Reflection on the review process
• Clarity and correctness of writing, including grammar and punctuation
• Following instructions, including formatting requirements and Academic
?????????????????????Formatting Requirements
• Include your name and SID at the top of the document
• Use 1.5 or double spacing and a standard font
• Use headers to indicate your partner’s paragraph (if included), your peer review,
your reflection, and your bibliography
• Include in-text citations as well as a bibliography in the referencing style of your
choice for any sources used in your review or reflection (Note: You do not need to
include sources from your partner’s paragraph)
• Include your word count, excluding your partner’s paragraph and bibliography

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