
Topic: sociology

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Do you think that children should be raised without gender? How could this be done and what might be the advantages and disadvantages of this mode of socialisation?
Notes: argue that children should be raised with gender.

Each essay should be clear, logically developed, and use academic evidence and examples to support points being made. Plagiarism must be avoided. Material used should be appropriately referenced and included in a References list at the end. You will be assessed on the extent of your research, the structure of your argument, the content and range of issues covered and correct citation formatting. You will also be assessed on clarity of expression, spelling and grammar and the adequacy of your bibliography.Your bibliography should consist of AT LEAST 8 sources (not including materials provided as part of the unit). The references must include 6 bibliography terms : 2 books or books chapters, 2 referred journal articles, 2 reputable internet sources.

Referencing requirements: The preferred style in Sociology is the Harvard style. For further information on this style of referencing, please see

Citations must be provided in-text

Criteria for marking:
• Understanding and interpretation of question
• Extent and relevance of research
• Comprehension and effective use of relevant academic literature from credible sources
• Range of issues identified and conceptualised
• Quality and coherence analysis/argument (including sufficient supporting evidence)
• Structure of the essay (i.e. clear introduction and conclusion, with coherent paragraphs linked through the body of the essay
• Clarity of writing and quality of expression, spelling and grammar
• Consistent and accurate referencing
Please follow the marking rubric and use simple English.

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