Change is standard in today’s global environment. Research is conducted to discovers how transactional, transformational, and innovation leadership style affects a small company. The quantitative study is to show and consider how innovation and leaders

Change is standard in today’s global environment. Research is conducted to discovers how transactional, transformational, and innovation leadership style affects a small company. The quantitative study is to show and consider how innovation and leaders

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Leadership is increasing in importance, in today’s corporate World because of the increased attention paid to the process of leadership. Organizations are quickly realizing that to overcome the fierce competition there is in the corporate world, they need to keep in place strong leadership that can capture the abilities of the human resources and make them into performance capabilities. The transformational, transactional, and innovational leaderships are all ways that are used to determine the performance of leaders and are used to evaluate the characteristics of these leaders on an organizational basis. Transformational leadership is unique in their potential because they displayed a high-level of charisma and shared the vision with their followers, thus stimulating the followers to provide excellent service and exceptionable performance. Transactional leadership illustrates the kind of leadership, where the leader offers rewards in exchange for the quality of performance as evaluated by the employees. Innovational leadership, on the other hand, describes leadership where the leader inspires creativity and innovativeness from the employees to attract changing industry trends. This research study shall examine the three types of leadership transactional, transformational, and innovational leadership to determine their effectiveness in incorporating change within an organization.
Change is a common in today’s global environment. Innovation is the development and improvement of services that increase competitive augmentation. This research focused on innovation at the organizational level where specifically the emphasis is on a company’s ability successfully to identify and introduce innovation success. Especially, in tough economic times, firms need to adapt to survive. Drucker (2002) abandonment precedes innovation because companies have to abandon what is not working. Albeit the idea that abandonment precedes innovation sounds remarkably easy. Most businesses are reluctant to abandon obsolete processes, practices, and policies. The results of this study will be disseminated through presentations at training workshops, academic and professional conferences. This study will be published in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals, and it will be published in the ProQuest Dissertations database.
Many organizations are often faced with the need for strong leadership as an intervention to solving today’s corporate trends. Organizations are quickly realizing the presence of variation in all situations as the world is moving toward a technologically driven business environment, and the three main styles of leadership that are used in the present corporate world are the transactional, transformational and the most-recent style, which is the innovation leadership. Today’s business world needs different leaderships that are reflected and responsive to the needs of success because of the increasingly powerful method in which businesses operate. It is, therefore; that people need to understand the three forms of leadership to decide which one of them is best suited for being used in a business environment to let the organization achieve its goals as on the development. If used efficiently, a style of leadership can be helpful in enabling the business to achieve its competitive advantage.
In accounting business organizations, innovation requiring meeting constantly changes conditions in the services’ business. Sharma & Bajpai (2010) leaders who demonstrate a transformational style are most likely to encourage innovation. In a rapidly changing business landscape, ideas impossible suddenly become possible, and ideas that made a massive deal of sense yesterday do not make sense today. Modern businesses embrace a new complexity that has not been perceived by many managers and leaders in the companies. A leader can produce respectable relationships, and improve the communication, which will increase the processes to achieve better outcomes. Business in the new millennium involves several unexpected methods and difficult situations, but they need comprehensive imagination and determination from the leader to solve the problems. Business organizations must decide what they need to do to maintain a competitive advantage. Organizations need an elucidate focus on the mission.
A leader who develops deep understanding emotional intelligence competencies can understand the leadership styles that he usually adopts. Once understood, a leader can consider adopting or use different leadership styles to suit his company and business to achieve better results. Sharma & Bajpai (2010) effective leader has the skills that enable the leader to begin to develop an understanding of the ability of the team to accomplish the task, goals, or process of the company.
Accounting firms must always be cautious of the key variables in its environment, which includes those elements that directly affect the business governments, local communities, competitors, suppliers, customers, creditors, and employees. Accounting firms’ management team must provide better services to its customers, employees, and communities based on enduring relationships with satisfied clients. Accounting firms’ goal is to provide more value-added services, explore ways to help customers, and generate more value to customers. Modern businesses adopt a new problem that has not been perceived by many leaders in the companies.
Great leaders focus to motivate the members of the company to achieve change on goals and the future. The leader is also responsible for fostering an excellent working relationship with the group. Communicating will help effectively in this process. Establish that each person involved believes is necessary, and will encourage people to work to the goals set out by the company and its leader. A leader needs to be mindful of how human nature dictates their employee’s actions and is conscious of how the workplace environment, personalities, and the motivational forces drive the employees. If the manager is familiar with what forces to operate his business, he can use his cognizance to motivate and maximize production from his workforce.
Accounting firms’ employer must be careful of changes and possible changes in its surroundings and business. Strategies makers can develop the plan for formulating strategies and evaluating the external environment by evaluating, monitoring, and scattering of data using its strategy to avoid surprise. Managers at accounting firms have to priority matrix to help managers answer the common way to improve many aspects of company’s operations with benchmarking. Company’s managers assess both the societal and business environments for those strategic factors likely ardently affect its success about opportunities and threats. The best method of providing leadership is to use a combination of transformational and innovation to involve others in activities and decisions through collaboration and cooperation, which dominate to the most effective results.
Research Problem
The general problem is businesses are less likely to be successful when innovation and leadership strategies are not consistent with service improvement. Yan et al. (2013) stated that innovation is essential to the endurance and success of small businesses. Khan et al. (2012) stated that promoting innovative work behavior in the service business is necessary to stay competitive. Leadership plays a central role in promoting innovative work behavior in organizations. Organizational leaders who effectively promote innovative work behavior are critical to service improvement in accounting industries. Chen et al. (2012) stated transformational leadership styles are more efficient than other leadership styles in facilitating organizational innovation because transformational leadership behaviors target change and innovation.
The specific problem is leaders in small accounting business are not demonstrating the leadership styles necessary to promote innovative work behavior. Koen et al. (2014) stated that the significance of effective teams and team leaders is the successful of innovation over years of research. Without innovative work behavior, the small accounting firms lose the ability to be competitive and profitable. Barnes et al. (2013) stated that transactional and transformational leaderships were meaningfully interconnected to efficiency, efficiency, and satisfaction.
The purpose of the quantitative study is to examine if a relationship exists between leadership styles and innovation in small accounting firms. If a relationship is found, small accounting firms could implement the initiative to select and develop leaders who have the styles necessary to promote the innovation necessary to remain competitive and profitable. The specific leadership styles that will be examined are transactional and transformational.
This study will contribute to innovation leadership studies in accounting by answering the question: “What do leaders need to know about leadership characteristics in fulfilling an innovation in accounting businesses?” Yukl (2009) suggested that research on innovation in organizations needs to move beyond the linearity of past theories. Rosing et al., (2011) said that dyadic theories are insufficient to explain the complexities of innovation in organizations. This study will apply leadership principles to assess how transitional, transformational, and innovation leadership can change accounting companies. Qualitative is not a proper method because of the variables. A qualitative case study methodology allows for a comprehensive analysis of the relationships, context, interactions, and people in a defined setting over time (yin, 2009). The innovation and leadership are necessary to gain a competitive advantage in the accounting business. However, the internal innovation business results unlock novelty value. Existing literature focuses on the innovative business or offers theoretical ideas to help the achievable points to achieve the innovation within the business. Poole and Van de Ven (2004) said the case study approach has been extremely successful in measuring innovation and development. The case study design relies on a theoretical lens used to examine the case (Anderson et al., 2003). Essentially innovation transforms the business, and this essential business needs to undertake in the proper way because when this change comes to the company, the resistance begins. Individuals will adopt an innovation more quickly if they understand the innovation is better than the previous idea. Studying innovation and leadership strategy could carry the business and can overcome the limitations and be more effective in the business. The prospect of innovation strategy may provide the best success of an accord the innovation value.
In developing a research design, the first step to take is deciding the target population. Because the research questions need to attract and maintain new business, the target group should include both current customers and noncustomers of an accounting firm. Establishing population boundaries is the next step in sampling design. Boundaries of interest are what will essentially be measured in the research. In accounting’s case, boundaries of interest are perceived the importance of the company in its field, a percentage of former customers after learning about the company. A third sampling frame is potential customers who could be reached through the in-home website surveys and online surveys advertised on outside websites that potential customers may visit. The appropriate sampling method in this study is stratified sampling. Stratified sampling, “usually more efficient statistically” (Cooper & Schindler, 2006), considers all subgroups of the sample population, painting a clearer statistical idea for management. The last step in designing a sample is determining a sample size. Levels of accuracy, confidence, and a degree of variability are vital causes when considering the sample size (Israel, 2009). Israel suggests using published tables or using a similar study as a guide to select a sample size, both easy and cost-effective (2009).
The small accounting firm could improve their capacity of customers for businesses promoting what they provide. The accounting firm has many areas where they connect industries at both ends where is useful for both parties. A small accounting firm is a giant in the industrial marketplace; however, global competition and uncertainty from economic factors are a constant threat to the organization’s goals of maintaining market share dominance. Such success will be more relevant through accurate and useful research that helps managers deal with organizational transactional, transformational, and innovation leadership style.
The Importance of the Study
This quantitative study is to establish and consider how innovation and leadership principles are mandatory for accounting business to survive and grow and if revenue and services performance are affected by transitional, transformational, and innovation styles.
The aim of this study is to provide an elucidate framework on the types of structures that have an impact on the innovation process. Organizations must remain competitive by strategically continually seek opportunities for growth and new approaches for renewing their business. Innovations and leaderships are essential for a company changes needs, new cognizance, and changes in the competitive landscape entail that the businesses constantly innovate and inductee corporate ventures to emulate efficiently.

Research Questions
The outcome will evaluate why transactional, transformational, and innovation leadership style is ideal for accounting business. The research questions for this study will answer these research questions:
1. What, if any, a relationship exists between transactional leadership styles to performance in a small accounting firm?
2. What, if any, a relationship exists between transformational leadership styles and performance in a small accounting firm?
3. What, if any, a relationship exists between innovation leadership performances in a small accounting firm?
4. What, if any, relationship exists between leadership competencies that can improve the effectiveness of innovation in accounting business organization?
5. What, if any, relationship exists between transformations processes that can increase the efficiency in accounting business?
6. What, if any, a relationship exists between performance, transactional, and transformational leadership in a small accounting firm?

The primary focus of the present study is to examine the relationship between leadership and profitability and organizational success. This question may be answered by distinguishing different types of accounting business innovation. Innovation involves being conscientious. Though implementing innovation sounds easy to do, many organizations are not innovative. The research questions in this study have been constructed to be answered using quantitative methodology. In finding answers to the research questions, this study shall assess the following hypotheses:
H10: There is no significant relationship between transactional leadership style and its financial performance in small accounting practice.
H1a: There is a significant relationship between transactional leadership style and its financial performance in small accounting practice.
H20: There is no significant relationship between transformational leadership style and its financial performance in small accounting practice.
H2a: There is a significant relationship between transformational or leadership style in small accounting practice.
H30: There is no significant relationship between innovation leadership style and its financial performance in small accounting practice.
H3a: There is a significant relationship between innovation leadership style and its financial performance in small accounting practice.
H40: There is no significant relationship between leadership competencies that can improve the effectiveness of innovation in accounting business organization.
H4a: There is a significant relationship between leadership competencies that can improve the effectiveness of innovation in accounting business organization.
H50: There is no significant relationship between transformations process that can increase the efficiency in accounting business.
H5a: There is a significant relationship between transformations process that can increase the efficiency in accounting business.
H60: There is no significant relationship between transactional,
transformational, and innovation leadership style and organizational success.
H6a: There is a significant relationship between transactional, transformational, and innovation leadership style and organizational success.
Hypothesis testing theory is necessary to determine the limits of the population to solve problems related to business and operations’ management. In hypothesis testing, a manager can reject the null hypothesis when the analytical evidence suggests that it is far more likely that the alternative hypothesis is true. The importance of performing hypothesis tests is essential, and it is used for making decisions about values of population parameters. Hypothesis tests are used when trying to prove that a variable is less than, more than, or not equal to a value. Hypothesis testing can be used to determine the issue of whether the population means an amount of financial information is valid. Many situations need an alternative hypothesis that focuses on a direction such as the population mean is less than a specified value. For example, the speed, which customers are served, is of paramount importance to the success of the service.

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