Media Journal/Portfolio Unit name- Indigenous Health Perspectives HSC203

Assignment Topic: Media Journal/Portfolio Unit name- Indigenous Health Perspectives HSC203
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Charles Darwin University
Subject: Indigenous Health Perspectives HSC203

Assignment details:……………………………..

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Topic/Title: Media Journal/Portfolio;

Type of Document: Media Journal/Portfolio;

Length: Up to 3000 words( excluding references)

This assignment involves the collection and analysis of media material on a current Indigenous health and wellbeing issue. You are required to link contemporary issues as presented in the media with those discussed in the unit outline and in the readings.

It is advisable to start thinking about your topic and collecting your material from early in the semester.
You will need to:

-Identify an Indigenous health issue from a social determinants of health approach (i.e. not only disease or illness – for example the impact of racism)

-Collect 4 items – this can include newspaper articles, editorials, magazine articles, video clips, online blogs and other electronic articles. The sources will need to be local, interstate and possibly international. Don’t use only one type of source, you need to use a variety in order to assess the breadth and depth of the issue.

-Summarize key issue(s) in the media items collected (hyper link or attach PDF copies to assignment).

-Link media items to various models and approaches investigated and discussed in the unit modules and readings.

-Discuss how the material might affect the current debate and discussion on the issue.

-Discuss your position and views on the issue as it presented and explore other perspectives.

-The sources will need to be local, interstate and possibly international. Utilize a variety of sources in order to assess the breadth and depth of the issue. Using only one source may result is a biased account of the issue.

-Please note: material including cartoons, posters, health promotion YouTube clips, or academic journal articles and government publications are not media items unless they are discussed and cited as a media release or news item.
You can format the assignment as follows (or close to):

1. Introduction

-Chosen topic and why it is an Indigenous health issue

2. The 4 media items – analysis

-Full reference and working link at beginning of each item
-Summary and analysis of key points in item
-How fits into unit overall and topics discussed or covered
-How media item contributes to the topic discussion or debate
-Personal reflection on the issue

3. Conclusion

4. Reference list (on separate page)- APA 6th style. Must have Digital Object Identifier(DOI) if needed. Perfectly matched.

You may wish to browse through one or both of these two references for ideas as to why we examine the media in relation to health:

1. Germov, J., & Freij. M. (2013). Media and health: moral panics, miracles, and medicalisation. In J. Germov (Ed.), Second opinion: introduction to health sociology (5th ed.). (pp.337-355). South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press.

2. Willis, K., & Elmer, S. (2011). Society, culture and health an introduction to sociology for nurses. (2nd ed.). (pp45-65). South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press.

Example attached( guide only).

Please strictly follow marking criteria file attached while writing this assignment. This is how university lecturer mark the assignment. Please make sure this assignment meets all the academic needs and requirements. Please do excellent work without any mistakes and errors.


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