: Do you agree that the phenomena of globalisation has led to greater openness and tolerance for a divergent of cultural experiences?

Topic: Do you agree that the phenomena of globalisation has led to greater openness and tolerance for a divergent of cultural experiences?

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Do you agree that the phenomena of globalisation has led to greater openness and tolerance for a divergent of cultural experiences? Choose a particular consumption context (or combinations thereof) that you believe serves as an example of how global forces influence (or not) the ‘order of human life’you’re your essay, you should highlight any global forces that you think are (or were) particularly active in shaping the consumption activity you will discuss. For your essay, you should draw upon and consider the thesis of cultural homogenisation, cosmopolitanism and the global – local dialectics to discuss the socio-cultural consequences of globalisation.
Suggested contexts include (but not limited to):
• Sports
• Media
• Film
• Fashion
• Supermarket
• Music
• Tourism
• Food

Based on your work with your Learning Team and your Discussion with Walden colleagues, complete one of the components of your IC Map by describing diminishing levels of implementation (i.e., moving from Level 1 (highest) to Level 6 (lowest)).
Note: You only need to include the number of levels appropriate for the component. You do not need to include six levels for every component in an IC Map.

Select at least three glossary terms related to Innovation Configurations and provide a brief definition (in your own words) of each.

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