Prisons in their current form have been found not to adequately rehabilitate prisoners and should be drastically reformed. Critically discuss.
Topic: Prisons in their current form have been found not to adequately rehabilitate prisoners and should be drastically reformed. Critically discuss.
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This paper will need to be based on Australian Prisons and correctional system so I would prefer an Australia based writer. In this essay you don’t need to discuss alternatives to prison – we are looking simply at the prison system in it’s current form. So in your introduction make sure you state that this paper is about australian prisons. In para 1 you are describing why prisons aren’t rehabilitating prisoners ie all the issues from overcrowding to staff culture, access to programs etc. 2nd para will talk about how do we know it’s not working, consider: rising number of prisoners, less getting parole, so many on remand, recidivism rates of course (but this is contentious as only way of measuring rehabilitation). Then your para 3 should NOT talk about alternatives (CCO’s HDO’s etc). Your para 3 needs to address reform of the PRISON system…ie how do we address the issues discussed in para 1….drawing on examples (Norway) eg staff training/culture, how the community over there accepts offenders etc. You could use some of the info on how successful programs can be…but again hard to prove causal factor. Don’t forget if you’re looking for something broad to say you can mention competing goals of punishment…from retribution to rehabilitation ..and how the pendulum swings back and forth…we’re so punitive especially in Victoria.