CAA201 Paramedic Practice 3 – Cardiac Emergency

Topic: CAA201 Paramedic Practice 3 – Cardiac Emergency

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**1500 WORDS**

Case StudyAssessment task 2 requires completion of one clinical case study investigating the paramedic management of one of the health topics explored in CAA201,Paramedic Practice 3. The aim of this task is to critically analyse a case against contemporary literature to develop an evidence-based case review. The study should be on a case of interest attended during the CAA201 semester. The case study should be presented in essay format.The case study should:•Provide a synopsis of the case including presentation, management and outcomes;•Offer a brief background of the condition including relevant pathophysiology and whether the presentation was novel or typical;•Critically analyse the paramedic management undertaken on the case against current evidence-based practice using contemporary published literature;•In consideration of the literature, determine best-practice management of the presenting condition.All aspects of your case study must be supported by a critical analysis of current published literature.

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