Having multiple types of authority creates unnecessary confusion in agency agreements. Creation by Express Actual Authority only, would be sufficient to adequately meet the needs of ‘Agency’

Topic: “Having multiple types of authority creates unnecessary confusion in agency agreements. Creation by Express Actual Authority only, would be sufficient to adequately meet the needs of ‘Agency’

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Guidelines for Assignments: The following guidelines for assessments are strict, and you must ensure you follow them or the penalties provided will be enforced.

Date Due:?? Friday 6th May 2016 at 21:00AM.

The assignment must be all your own work. You must reference any sources you use to avoid deductions for plagiarism.

Referencing will be in Footnote form (see guide).
Footnotes ARE included in the word count for your answer.

Word Count:
The word limit for each assignment is 2000 words. If you go over the word limit then you may face deductions from your mark.
Up to 10% over:?Up to 5 marks deducted.
Up to 20% over:?Up to 10 marks deducted.

The assignment will be marked out of 100. Guidance for the assignment will be discussed within the lectures in the interim week between receiving the assignment, and submission.

You will receive your mark in accordance with the procedures within the University.

“Having multiple types of authority creates unnecessary confusion in agency agreements. Creation by Express Actual Authority only, would be sufficient to adequately meet the needs of ‘Agency’”

Critically analyse this statement, and consider whether or not you agree with it.
You should make reference to relevant case law in support of your argument.

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