Business Strategy Case Analysis (BSCA) Report
Topic: Business Strategy Case Analysis (BSCA) Report
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Business Strategy Case Analysis (BSCA) Report
It is advised to read and understand the “How to conduct case analysis” from the textbook. The quality of the submitted case analysis report should be proportionally higher than the fortnightly oral progress reports. The fortnightly progress reports, tutorial discussions and guidance along with journals and company’s annual reports should form a potential source of information for the BSCA report.
The format for the Business Strategy Case analysis report is outlined briefly below:
• Executive summary
• Strategic profile of the case
• Major Issues/problems in the case – You will normally identify a number of problems in a case. It is crucial to make it very clear, which are the major two or three problems, or key issues that must be solved first. You need to understand that the major problems you have identified might be different from those of other persons; you need not worry about it as this is bound to happen in the field of management.
This section is just a short concise statement of the problems you are attempting to solve in the remainder of the case. Half a page is adequate. Having identified the key problems, you can continually check back to ensure that you are actually attempting to solve them and not some other minor problems you identified. This section is very crucial to a good case report.
• Company’s mission statement
• Situational analysis and SWOT analysis
• Analysis of alternatives – Most problems will have a large number of possible solutions, it is your task to identify and evaluate a number of the more appropriate (at least 2-3 for each major problem identified). Each alternative solution should be briefly outlined and then evaluated in terms of its advantages and disadvantages (strong and weak points). Note: You must evaluate alternatives. Provide relevant theory or theories to explain the reasons for identifying these as problems and also practical solutions to the problems.
• Strategy control and evaluation processes
• Conclusion & recommendations
• Implementation – Here you should specifically explain how you would implement the recommended solutions. You have to translate theory into actions. You should also include who should do what, when, in what sequence, what it will cost and other such issues. Remember if a recommended solution cannot be realistically implemented then it is no solution at all.
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• Bibliography
• Annexure – You must attach the case progress reports to the final BSCA report.
All members of the team must contribute to the presentation, progressive report preparation, and the BSCA report with individual contributions explicitly noted in the case analysis report.
You are required to incorporate at least ten recent periodicals (post 2005) in your report. All sources used in the report must be acknowledged in the correct manner. Please use only Harvard referencing format.
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Assessment criteria for Business Strategy Case Analysis Report for submission
Assessment value: 30% Maximum 100 marks
Executive Summary (5 %) – Summary of report and recommendations. Give a brief background to the company and outline its problems, your recommendations and any assumptions noted.
Strategic profile of the case (5 %)
Situational analysis and SWOT analysis (5 %)
Problem Identification and Analysis (20 %) – Provide explanations to major problems by integrating relevant strategic management theory (ies) to the case evidence (data).
Analysis of alternatives – Generation and Evaluation of a Range of Alternative Solutions (20 %) – All solutions should be linked to the major problems and substantiated with theories/concepts from the field of strategic management.
Strategy control and evaluation processes (5%)
Conclusion & Recommendations (15 %) – Clear statement of which of the alternative(s) suggested is/are recommended and why. Should be justified using theories and/or concepts. This solution should solve key problem(s) noted.
Implementation (10 %) – Action steps involved in actually introducing the recommended solutions: Who/When/How/Cost, etc
Presentation (10 %) – Format/quality of presentation, quality of written expression/grammar/language used, etc
Referencing (5 %) – Correct and consistent Harvard referencing system, and range of references used.