Carvajal, S, A: – Building a century of business growth and family values (HBR)

Topic: Carvajal, S, A: – Building a century of business growth and family values (HBR)

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Provide 2800-3000 word report that critically analyses the specific challenges faced by Carvajal , S,A that may include but not limited to rapidly maturing products, stiff competition, and new players. Suggest specific ways that these challenges can be resolved or mitigated and position the firm for continued growth into the future.
Students must consider specific dynamics of Latin America/Colombia culture towards business and family related challenges for a multi-generation family business.
Students are expected to conduct an indepth evaluation of the case;- issuses around,
intergeneration, governance, legacy, culture, sucession, optimizing projects, investment
philosophy, market forces or external threats must be addressed as they are pertinet.

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