Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc., (1993).

Topic: Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc., (1993).
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Refer to the law case Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc. (1993) in our course textbook found on page 77 in Chapter 3 in the section titled ‘Current Issues in Employment Law’. Use a Search Engine on the Internet (Example: Google.com). Research the case and provide a brief background of what happened. Then use our course textbook and discuss in a report what strategies leadership would use to prevent sexual harassment (Examples: Code of Ethics, Training, and Legislation, etc…).
• Using the Internet and the search engine Google.com may provide you with better information along with your course textbook to write the report.

Items to include in your report: 1. General Introduction 2. Problem Identification 3. Discuss three preventive alternatives for sexual harassment (you may use the examples listed above)

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